Chapter One

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The village was bustling with civilians and visitors alike. Music filled the streets, and shops were set up along the village center. It wasn't a large village, to be sure, but it had definitely expanded since the undead had been fought back. More and more people looked to the Frostbourne for safety, and as such, the original village of only a few houses grew almost overnight as people took up shelter around their fortress. The Dreadfort had become a symbol of safety and peace to many, and thus they sought it out.

Ceris walked the streets with Abigail- the two had grown closer as they spent time in the medical ward with their fallen friends. As Yün and Iris rested, Ceris and Abigail spoke. As such, Ceris grew closer to her former enemy, also growing to trust her. Ceris gave a small smile as she thought about it.

A scream for help jarred her from her thoughts. She looked at Abigail. "Let's go."

They took off running in the direction of the scream, and found a civilian man trying to keep three skeleton swordsmen away from a child. They ran to help immediately, Ceris tackling one to the ground and pounding its head into dust with her mechanical arm. Abigail went after the other, unleashing a burst of fire into it, incinerating it immediately. The third, however, managed to make it by. Ceris and Abigail watched helplessly as the swordsman's blade came down...

...and hit the red, glowing blade of a scythe. The skeleton was caught off guard, and the unseen scythe-wielder threw it back. A figure ran from the dark, swinging their scythe once more, tearing through the skeleton's bones with ease. They looked up, and Ceris saw their distinct red eyes.



Azura flew out over the village, searching for one person in particular. Spotting him, she put herself into a dive, landing gracefully behind him.

"Hey, Patrick."

The General turned. "Azura. Good to see you. It's rather boring when you're alone."

The Scholar laughed. "I'm sure. But now I'm here!"

"That you are. Come, let's enjoy ourselves. This is a festival, after all," Patrick said.

"Of course. Always enjoy myself when I'm with you-" the words left Azura's mouth before she realized what she was saying.

"Is that so, Lady Azura?"

"Y-Yes, sir," she replied, more than a little embarrassed.

"Well, it's nice to hear. Very few like to spend time with their superiors," he chuckled.

Azura smiled. "I can say that I do."

"It's a pleasant change."

Patrick began walking, not realizing Azura remained where she stood. She muttered to herself. "If only you knew..."

And with that, she ran to catch up.


Cora sat at the side of Yün's bed, their team gathered around. "How are you holding up, Yün?"

"Well... it doesn't hurt as much.." the sky fighter chuckled quietly.

"Good to hear, kid," Jorge said.

Inorra scoffed. "You did it to yourself."

"Inorra!" Cora scolded.

"What? It's true. If she hadn't tried to save that Ex-Matriarch, nothing would've happened."

"I saved her because she's worth something, Inorra. Unlike you," Yün argued, her eyes full of rage.

"Worth something?! We couldn't trust her to protect her own home! How can we trust her to protect ours?!"

"That's enough!" Came a voice from the doorway, and Inorra was thrown across the room.

Amethyst stood in the doorway, not looking particularly angry, but more annoyed. The team that had once worked so well together was falling apart over one choice, and it made her so frustrated.

"Learn when to shut your mouth, Inorra."

Inorra scoffed again. "Awe, does the little gem miss big brother? Too bad, he's dead. And he's dead because he was in love with that bitch Ceris."

"You take that back," Amethyst warned.

"Can't," Inorra said. Then, her eyes narrowed, locking with Amethyst's. "Wouldn't."

Just as it seemed magic was about to be thrown between the two, an ear-splitting shriek caused everyone in the room to cover their ears.

Stella stood behind Amy. "Not. Here."

The Demonic Enchantress's eyes bore into Inorra, triggering some kind of primal fear in the girl. She shook in place for a moment before bolting for the door, pushing past both Stella and Amy. Stella was about to say something, but Amy just huffed and made her way towards the lab. Stella looked on, sympathy in her eyes.


Blair stood at the edge of the Dreadfort's outer wall, looking out over the village. She wanted to go down, wanted to celebrate the victory, but... she was Netherkin. Former Nether Horde. Would she be accepted?

She was too focused in her thoughts to notice Rain walking up behind her. The Dragon Tamer cleared his throat, making her jump. "Dragon Tamer! You... you know, it's a bad idea to startle me."

Rain just rolled his eyes, wanting nothing to do with this woman. "Why did you help us?"

"Why did I- yeah, I guess you'd want to know. Then let me tell you something. Those three that your buddies killed? They were my best friends, almost like my brothers. Naeus knew he was sending us into a suicide mission, and never said a word. He killed them, and I want my revenge."

"How do I know I can trust you, Blaze?"

"Because I haven't killed anyone yet? If I wanted to, I could've killed those two out in the courtyard. But no, I didn't. I fought the freaking god that is General Naeus."

"Naeus and his cohorts are not to be trusted. That is a piece of advice I have always followed. And you will not be an exception until you have proven yourself to me. Understood?"

"Of.. of course, Dragon Tamer," Blair had hoped for acceptance at the least, if not forgiveness.

As Rain walked away without so much as a word, Blair turned her attention back out to the village.


"Yes, sir. They'll make excellent allies."

A pause.

"No, sir. We're seeing this through to the end."

Another pause.

"No, sir. This will not affect our mission."

And another.

"Of course. Tell Sigil I said hello. Out."

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