Chapter Three

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For the first time in what felt to him like forever, Gabriel set foot inside the Dreadfort once again. His grey combat bodysuit was stained with black and red from the blood and soot of the Nether Horde soldiers he'd fought, as well as his own blood. Ceris was, of course, right by his side, and Abigail walked behind them. The Exiled Queen almost felt jealous of how close Gabriel and Ceris were becoming, but she reminded herself that he was appointed as her guard. He didn't need to be her friend, be he was. She was content with that much.

"Would you like me to find your sister, Gabriel?" Abigail asked, smiling slightly.

"That would be great, Abigail. Thank you," he replied.

Just as she walked away, Patrick and Azura arrived at the gate. Blood ran down Azura's leg as she staggered inside, supported mostly by the General at this point. As soon as they were inside, though, the last of Lady Azura's strength gave out, and she fell.

Ceris was about to run to help when Gabriel stopped her. Patrick had moved Azura onto his back and continued moving, not even noticing that the two of them were in the courtyard. The Ex-Matriarch looked back at her friend.

"He's got it, Ceris. She'll be okay," he said.

"Of course," Ceris replied. She wasn't so sure.

"Let's go see Amy, yeah?" Gabriel asked as he started to walk. It was a question that didn't need an answer, and Ceris began walking with him.


"Amethyst, was it? I should... probably let you know of something," Kira said as the pair began working a storm gem into a container of sorts.

"And that is?" Amy looked over.

"There's this thing that happens every few days, I just uh-" he was cut off by the door opening. Kira scrambled to put his helmet back on.

Amy looked, and her eyes went wide and filled with tears. "G-Gabriel? Is it... is it really you?"

"Yes, it's me. I'm okay, sis," the Archangel replied.

Amy ran and hugged him tight. "I-I missed you so much..."

Gabriel put an arm around his little sister. "I missed you too, sis. I missed you too."

Ceris peered in past him, seeing Kira in the back. Right away, she recognized the colors of the End on his armor, but couldn't see any more, since his mask and armor obscured his entire body. Gabriel, however, became much more wary of the visitor- he held his hand out, and his wings detached from his back. The L-shaped brackets that formed the base for his wings mounted together in a square shape, forming a long pole from which a red energy-based scythe blade formed.

"Identify yourself," he said, glaring at Kira.

"Gabriel, wait! He's-" Amy paused. "He's a friend."

Kira glanced over Ceris again, his gaze falling on her robotic arm protruding from the sleeve of her hoodie. "Hey, we match!" He laughed, raising his own mechanical limb.

Ceris, however, didn't appreciate the quip. She lunged at him, swinging her fist with as much force as she could muster. Kira reacted almost before she moved, simply stepping to the side to avoid the hit. Ceris grunted in frustration, swinging again. Kira, again, calmly moved out of her way, laughing all the while.

"Missed me!" He jokingly taunted.

At this point, Ceris realized the stranger meant no harm by his comment, and laughed along with him, albeit much more contained. "You're excellent at evasion. Making up for something?"

"Nah, just a nice perk of being me," Kira retorted. "Let's take this to the training yard. Lotta things that could blow up here."

Ceris nodded in agreement, and the pair walked out, leaving Gabriel and Amethyst alone.


Enderheart walked alongside General Patrick as they discussed a way to enter the Nether. Enderheart, being part dragon, was capable of navigating the Nether and giving them a way in. All of this was cut short, however, when Enderheart fell to her knee, panting hard and clutching at her head.

"No.. not yet.." she muttered.

"Enderheart? What's happening?" Patrick dropped down beside her.

"My time is up... find me. You have to find me. Save me," she said.

"Save you? What-"

He was interrupted as her form began to fade until it was no longer even there. He looked up, glancing around with a hand on his spear, but he found nothing around them. He looked at where she'd been, something remained. Her swords. The General picked them up, and instantly they took on the color of the Frostbourne; the blades became an icy blue, the hilts and handguards turned to the black obsidian that was used in so many of their weapons. His eyes narrowed as he walked back towards the Dreadfort, ready to call a meeting between his forces.


"The poison, General."

"Good. She'll be ours. A powerful ally."

"Shall we begin?"

"Inject her. The Dragon King has done his part, see to it he gets his reward."

"Yes, General."

A scream echoed through the depths of the Nether.

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