Chapter Two

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Amy sat in the lab, tinkering with what was, at this point, just a large slab of metal. The theory was simple: combining her levitation potion with a controlled source of heat, she could create something that could cover distance faster than a human and operate similarly to Azura's wings. However, in practice, this theory proved hard to execute. Heat was hard to control period, let alone control delicately enough to give the potion the conditions to work. Stella's fire magic proved too hot, causing the potion to neutralize on contact, her magic was less explosive but didn't last long enough to be effective. Naeus's lightning could make an effective source in small amounts, but they had no real way to effectively reproduce it.

A shuffling behind her drew her attention away, and she nearly dropped the fireball she's summoned- something that would've had disastrous results. Amethyst summoned one of Stella's tomes. "Who's there?"

A laugh in the room. Not like the insane cackling of Nera or Azrael, this one seemed... friendly. And... above her?

Amy whipped her head up, looking at the rafters above her. However, she saw nothing. There was another laugh behind her, and a voice. "You really should lock that door sometime."

She yelped, spinning around immediately, aiming the tome. Before her stood a man- no, not quite. He couldn't have been much older than her. He wore armor that followed traditional Ender Watcher colors, black and purple. His face was obscured, but by his height and voice she knew he was still a kid.

Amethyst's eyes narrowed. "Who are you?"

"People call me the Ender Spectre, but of course, that's not my real name. Would be kinda weird if it was, yeah?" The person replied. Clearly not a serious person.

"Then what is your name?" Amy was genuinely curious now.

"Tell me yours first, doll," he replied. Any grimaced, suppressing the urge to smack him. He seemed to notice. "Relax, just messing arou-"

She smacked him anyway. "Shut up, please."

"You said you wanted my name. How can I tell you if I shut up?" He said, further enraging Amy.

"Just- What do you want?!" She demanded.

The kid sighed. "Name's Kira. I'm here to help the Frostbourne."

Amethyst relaxed ever so slightly. "You're a pain in the ass, Kira, but we need the help."

"Do me a favor, though. The other Frostbourne can only know me as Spectre, or the Ender Spectre."

"Why?" Amy cocked her head to the side, almost like a confused dog.

"Because I asked."

"Alright, fine. But why tell me?"

"Eh, you seem alright. Plus, you're a kid, like me. Just uh... generally makes me trust you more, yeah?"

"Hmm... fair enough. But tell me, Kira... are you always a smartass?"

"Yup, pretty much."

"Well, good to know. I need to get back to my work, so if you could just-"

"Whatcha working on?" He asked quickly.

Amethyst was surprised. Someone interested in what she did? "Well, since you asked... working with slow fall and levitation potions. You see... I figure that having a mount that never gets tired, that can navigate any terrain... maybe even fly at some point, it will help the Frostbourne an unimaginable amount."

"So something that works like Lady Azura's wings?"


"So... what's the issue here?"

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