Chapter Eight

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They had scattered. Much of the Army, alongside the Ender Watchers and the Nether Rebels, didn't make it through the portal before it closed. Dozens died in the ensuing panic as they scrambled to get somewhere safe. Stella and Rain rallied the Ender Watchers in an attempt to hold back the enclosing Nether Horde while the other groups retreated to safety. Ceris and Zeganirn stood by their side, weapons drawn and ready. The first of the Wither Skeletons hit their paper-thin defensive line, but they held firm. Endermen hacked and slashed at the oncoming swarm, easily cutting through the brittle, scorched bones. The Horde's first line fell quickly, unprepared for the sudden defiant stand against them.

Zeganirn roared, a cry that echoed among the dozen Endermen that stood with them as they prepared for another wave to crash over them. The pair of dragons from before watched closely as a group of Pigmen hit the Ender Watchers, only to meet the same fate as the Wither Skeletons before them.

Naeus stood in front of them, looking back at the larger of the two, a pale white dragon with deep blue eyes. "You were right, Sombre. She is a great ally."

"You doubted me, General? No matter. Let us finish off these fools," Sombre began to walk towards the retreating army.

He stopped when he heard the cry of a bird flying by. The large creature's silvery wings reflected the light of the Citadel's glowstone, blinding him as it flew past. To the armies below it, the bird called out, its gleaming, golden eyes all the evidence they needed of who sent it.

"Hold the line for a little longer! Help is coming!" Rain shouted to his teammates.

The Argent dove, landing on Rain's shoulder and cawing a warning at the next wave, fast approaching.


Amy swung her staff around, discharging another arcane blast at Amelia. The Queen, who had been just as disoriented as Lady Azura, was unprepared, getting thrown like a ragdoll by the blast. Amy looked at Azura, who nodded. They had to go.

Amy began to run, but something caught her leg, and all she could feel was agonizing pain. A long gash was cut from her knee to her heel, and at the end of the wound was the blade of a scythe. Amy got a glimpse of her attacker as she fell- Azrael had come.

The Angel of Death once again let out her signature laugh. "First the End, now the Nether? Let's find out who Death claims next!"

"N-Next?" Amy managed out through gritted teeth.

Azura dove, but she knew it wouldn't be enough as Azrael's scythe came up for another blow. She ceased her dive, turning away so she didn't have to watch her friend die. However, she turned back when she heard the clack of metal on metal. Looking back, she saw Gabriel standing, Azrael's scythe locked with his own.

"Stay away from my sister!" The Archangel roared, using his scythe like a lever to pry Azrael's away from her.

His scythe blade tore easily through the simple metal blade of Azrael's, and he planted his blade in the ground to force them into hand-to-hand. Gabriel swung his fist at the smaller Angel, but she dodged easily, answering his attempt with a backflip and a kick to the face.

"You've lost this battle once, Archangel!" Azrael taunted. "Let's see you lose again!"

Gabriel growled. "That time, you didn't hurt my sister."

The Archangel's red eyes seemed to almost glow as he charged at Azrael, throwing a feigned attack at her head. As she went to block, he drove his heel into her shin. When she fell, he flipped in the air, planting one of his boots on her shoulder and pushed off, driving her into the netherrack ground and propelling himself back. Gabriel summoned eight of his ten wings, leaving the other two to secure Azrael's scythe.

The Archangel formed two swords using his wings, glaring down at Azrael with pure rage in his eyes. "Say goodbye."

He swung his blades down hard, but something stopped him. Nothing physical, but he couldn't bring himself to kill her. He heard a quiet sound. Azrael was... crying?

"What..?" Gabriel wasn't sure what else to say.

In the confusion, Amelia had gotten back up, and was now lunging at Gabriel.

"No!" Azrael shrieked, pushing Gabriel aside and catching Amelia's arms. "Leave him alone!"

She threw Amelia aside, kicking off of her to get some added distance. She stood up, casting her a Demon helmet aside. The girl looked to Gabriel for approval, and he reluctantly nodded, retracting his final two blades, allowing her to retrieve her scythe. Azrael was many things, but an actor- not in the slightest. And Gabriel knew this. He'd seen her eyes when she nodded. They weren't the black and crimson that were symbolic of a Demon, but instead a beautiful amber. Something had broken her free of Naeus's Demon Curse.

The two Angels stood side by side as Azura attempted to get Amy away. Amelia gave a look of nothing more than annoyance. "Another Angel pulled away. Time to change the project."

Amelia rushed forward, clashing with the Angels once again.


Rain kicked a Pigman off his sword as the next wave ended. Bodies lay piled in front of them, and they'd been forced back by that alone. Celestia flew overhead, cawing whenever more were coming, but it was clear to Rain that this was only to prevent them from advancing on the Citadel. Phantom and his team had appeared and provided extra support, but they needed to regroup with whoever they could.

"Move out! Pull in and move out!" Rain barked out the order, and the Ender Watchers obeyed.

They moved back quickly towards where the other groups had retreated to, and once they were clear of the Horde's archers, they broke into a sprint. It wasn't long before Azura joined them, carrying Amy.

Ceris was the first to see. "Where's Gabriel?!"

"He stayed behind with Azrael! They're fighting Amelia!" Azura called back.

"Together?!" Ceris was rightfully confused.

Azura nodded. "Long story! I can see a makeshift fort ahead, just keep running!"

Sure enough, ahead of the group, there was a wall, close to nine feet tall, consisting of large logs laid against a netherrack mound. A gate in the middle was fashioned from the same logs. A couple soldiers moved the "gate" as the Ender Watchers approached. As soon as everyone was inside, the soldiers forced the gate shut.

They were safe, for now.

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