Chapter, 1

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You left so soon. With no goodbye, it's as if you were never here...


Please come back~

(So.... you left? TWICE X FEMALE READER)
Made by: twice_Sachaeng

A/N: please take in mind that in the beginning of this book. The first few chapters will just be fluff and slice of life until just gets dramatic 🧍🏽‍♀️)

Enjoy gays~

Life is like a candy.
When you're running, you can be happy as ever and it feels so so sweet. Yet, when you fall. That feeling when your body falls face front with those tiny pebbles scratching and bruising you're delicate skin. When the gravel rubs roughly against your knee that is now open and bleeding. It's bitter.
Everything in life is like that I guess.


Was meeting you all the sweetness to my life? And was leaving you, the bitterness to it all?

I'm sorry.


{"Y/nnnnnnnn..I'm boreddddddddd"}

"Go clean if you're so bored then"

A groan followed by some stumbling (I think she fell) and a string of curse words flew out of her mouth and to my ear. I sighed at her through the phone as I walked through the isles.

We've been talking for quite some time now. Not about anything in particular and all she hears most of the time is the screeching of the hangers when I look for clo- ooooOoooO

"...May, I found this hoodie, it's cute as fuck. Wanna match?"

A loud thump and an equally loud 'Yes please' ruptures through the speaker making me giggle.

May's always had a thing for having matching clothing with me, she hates the color yellow though so that's why I'm getting her a pastel yellow hoodie cause I know she will "love" it.

"May I got you a white hoodie and a baby blue for me!"

{ Yay! Drop it off later if you can! I have to go clean y/n, love you}

I could here her dad In the background yelling at her with a loud 'Tamad!' Until she hangs up

A/N: i don't speak the language, just hear it a lot👹

And just like that, my phones speaker went silent as I slightly frowned.

Clumsy ass

After going up to the front desk to pay, I grab the plastic back and I'm ready to leave this overly priced clothing store.
Except I don't just walk out and go, cause I'm stupid.

Cause I'm a ✨ y / n ✨

Instead I run into a firm chest when opening the small door and falling back before someone grabs my arm and waist to stop my fall, yes very cliché I know.

when i opened my eyes, i was face to face with a man. A much older one too. I quickly apologized as I try to squirm out of his grasp. Once I do, I take a good look at him (bad idea) and his face looks so familiar that I literally have to squint.




its all that pops up in my mind when looking at the man who i bumped into.


"young Lady?"

Ew, he talks

He Soon starts apologize for bumping into me and possibly making me uncomfortable. nothing strange, but as the man in front of me kept on rambling while I was just their in the entrance of the shop, looking like an idiot. Something he said caught me off guard.

"by chance are you unemployed?" i look at him, with a face of curiosity when the words 'why' slip out and I mentally bash my head against a wall.

" i have an opportunity, huge one that only very limited people will get a chance to actually get this...opportunity." it seemed that as if he was running out of words to use but he sure did try his best to make it sound grand, it was amusing. It was amusing cause he sounded like an idiot.

Although I did let my curiosity get the best of me, And I gave in to whatever the hell this man was saying.

"What do you mean by 'opportunity'?"

"Ah, well you see..I'm in this Business, a well known one as well! Our popularity is rising greatly but..their are not as many people employed there anymore and I desperately need someone to fill the spot. I just wondered if you were interested."
Higher class? Is that the spot I'll be in if I join this "business"? seems shady but I do need money right now.

"I'm interested. Although I don't know when exactly we should start th-"

"That's great!!! Don't worry we can head out today! I can sign you up right away if we leave now!" He interrupts me.

What about Mays gift? Will my parents even care?...
pff HAHA, no they won't so I shouldn't worry about that. I should just worry about me and if this old man is really someone I can trust.


Ah screw it. If I die I die.

"That's great news sir, I should grab my luggage first though so we can go to..uh....where is this business you're talking about?" I ask with a crooked smile

"In South Korea, let's hurry and grab you're stuff before the last plane to there leaves."

South what? 😀

Oh fUck

So You left?  (TWICE X FEM READER)Where stories live. Discover now