Chapter Two

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Hiya Chris here Thursday is my day and Monday is El's updating day so ya won't get confused. Wellll here I gooo.....

We rose early that morning awaiting the car that would take us the rest of the way to the werewolf clan. Feeling tired and weary we made the long trip down the stairs of the hotel, since the elevator was broken.

Three flights of stairs later, and we were out the door waiting. Finally after thirty minutes of standing out in the cold, the car came and we got in, warming our hands with the vents.

"Ella? Why are the clans going to war exactly?" I asked. "Well, the clans have never really gotten along, they basically just tolerated each other. But the real kerfuffle started when the werewolf alphas' son got together with a raven-i cut her off by saying " A raven, what do you mean?". "I've already said too much, I'll let the alphas of the clan explain the rest to you when we arrive" Ellazandra brushed off. Kylie and I sat there in content silence until we reached our destination.

Stepping out of the car, my jaw dropped in awe of the place. It was absolutely magnificent! Well once we got inside it was magnificent. The base was merely made up of caves, some places underground as well. To see the leaders we had to travel to the third floor down, so we hopped into an elevator as soon as possible.

I was nervous and excited at the same time; nervous because I had no idea what to expect, and excited because I was so curious to find out what caused the war to near. "Hello girls I am the female werewolf alpha, and my name is Layla; this is my mate Chance" she explained, gesturing to the tall man standing at her right. "Now, I'm assuming Ellazandra didn't tell you why the war is near upon us, am I correct?" she asked. Kylie and I nodded in sync, waiting for her to continue.

"Well it all started about a year ago when our son turned the age to where he would find a mate. We were expecting him to choose a well respected and highly ranked wolf, but none of the female wolves were of interest to him. Then the real trouble happened he started running off each night, sometimes not returning until daybreak. So, we sent a spy to look as to where he went each night. What we found out was horrible!" her voice rising slightly "He was with a raven!" she growled.

I intervened "If you don't mind me asking ma'am, what are ravens?" She chortled and answered "Well dear a raven is a hybrid, unlike normal shifters they only have one feature of their animal, wings. They don't fully transform like we do". "We have nothing against ravens it's just that it has always been forbidden for one breed of shifter to mate with another" Layla stated.

We nodded our heads in understanding and Ella chimed in "You actually have a raven among you" dropping her cloak revealing large black wings with blue tips. Ky and I stared, astonished and at loss of words. "Wow your wings are beautiful, and y-you can really fly with these? Kylie inquired. She nodded, chuckling and allowing us to feel her wings." This really is amazing" I murmured.

After our chat with the alphas (and us agreeing to train to stop the war) we headed to where we would be staying for the time we're here.

Ellazandra's Point of view

I'm so happy! I can finally see my mate after being away from him for so long. He is also a raven, like me, but unfortunately our unkindness (a group of ravens) was killed in a previous war. But that doesn't matter all that matters is we have each other. We were accepted into the werewolf pack to serve as guardians, lookouts, and ect. Also since we had nowhere else to call home the werewolves were generous enough to let us house here.

"ED!!!!" I screamed happily and jumped into his open arms, him hugging me close and twirling me around. He set me down and pulled me in for a loving kiss. "Ella I was starting to think you wouldn't come back to me, you've been gone for so long" he said. "I will always come back to you love, don't you ever think otherwise" I scolded playfully, yet serious. Ed is a medic for the pack like me and is my world. I missed him so much when I was away looking for the girls, and bringing them here.

Ed and I spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching Netflix, yes the pack is that awesome that we have tv and wifi. I wanted to spend as much time with him as I can before I have to leave to help the Greys train.

It was getting late and I could barely keep my eyes open. Ed noticed and whispered "You can sleep sweetheart it's ok". I nodded thankfully and closed my eyes letting sleep take over anticipating tomorrow's stressful and difficult events.......

I know this isn't really the best I'm sorry but I hope you enjoy and remember this is Christina aka Chris and El should update on Monday i believe so have fun waiting until then goodbye cupcakes seeya next Thursday baiii . Btw that's ed sheeran in the multimedia he plays ed lol, Ellazandra and him are mates just to clear that up.

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