Chapter Three

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Hello people who read this I'm sorry for the late update we'll try and still make chapter four on Thursday but if not it will be on Friday. Again our apologies. Pics of Layla and Chance are in the multimedia.

I wake up to beautiful sounding humming. I open my eyes to only see a mass of dark curls in front of my face. I raise my head and then shake it to get the curls out of my line of vision.

Mesmerizing eyes fill my line of vision instead. They twinkle with love and humor. Ed cups my cheek and brings my head closer to his. He gives me a gentle, loving kiss, which I gladly return. "Morning love" he smiles. "Hello hun." I reply with a quick kiss before untangling our limbs and wings and roll out of bed.

I stretch my wings and limbs while yawning big. I slowly walk to the bathroom to do my morning routines with my mate following behind. After we are done and dressed we head down the maze of tunnels to the kitchen. We walk with his arm around my shoulders and mine around his back under the wings.

Wolves either nod at us with smiles or glare because we are Ravens. When we arrive to the kitchen we find the chief talking to the two young she-wolves. We leave them to their talk and walk over to the fridge in search of some fruit.

See Ravens, at least Ed and me, eat fruits and veggies mainly but we will always love a good chunk of meat but sadly the chief will not allow us to eat meat since it is like steroids to us young ravens. It increases our senses and strength.

Some wolves (most of the pack) don't feel comfortable living with or having fully powerful Ravens in their midst so we get to be only at half our capabilities until we are 20 and fully grown we must get our full powers from meat. So for now we shall eat our fruit and veggies like the good little birdies the Pack want us to be.

Ed grabs a bowl of grapes and we head over to the bar where the other three sit. Alpha nods his head in greeting, in which we return with the same gesture.

"MORNING BIRDIES!" Kylie screeches and then drinks from her cup of coffee.

"Morning." Ed says with a slight smile. I just smile at her and wave a bit.

"So what's on today's agenda?" Alona says through a mouthful of bacon.

"Wow aren't you quite the lady." She just shrugs her shoulders and continues to each her meat.

"Also today Ed and me will teach you how to fight along with Layla." I say while leaning against Ed. I pop I couple grapes in my mouth be for Ed could eat them all.

"Who is this Layla you speak of?" Kylie asks, still jumping in her seat from the caffeine.

Layla walked in at that moment. Layla is a tall woman with coal black hair and golden brown eyes. You could literally feel the power and grace coming from her.

"Layla would be me." She says with a kind smile towards the two young she-wolves. She walks over to Chance and gives him a peck before turning back to the rest of us.

"I am your new Luna and I will help you learn how to fight. It would very unuseful for a male to teach you since us females are as capable as men when it comes to fighting but sadly our skin isn't as tough as theirs' or muscles as big. I shall teach how to use your smaller frame to fight off bigger opponents while Ed and Ellazandra will teach you to defend yourself from sky attacks and also opponents fast to you."

"Wait does that mean we get meat?" Ed and me ask in sync. Chance nods a yes. Our wings start to twitch in excitement from the thought of being at full power. Chance and Layla chuckle and smile at our reactions. 

"What do you mean you get meat?" Kylie asks confused.

"Yeah is it illegal or something for Ravens to eat meat? Do you get like high and psycho from it?" Alona adds equally confused.

Chance shares a look with his Luna then turns back to look at the girls.

"Well girls, you see not all werewolves are very fond of Ravens or birds in general really since the war began. A Raven can not reach their full potential until they reach the age of 20 or be fully mated until that time also. So until they are 20, meat gives Ravens their full powers and makes them highly dangerous and deadly. In fact most of our pack does not want these two here because of their potential. Only the eldest of us remember a time where Ravens and wolves lived side by side. But sadly that was a long time ago, way before the war ever started.

"Sorry for asking but how old are all of you?" Alona asks curious.

"It is fine young one. It is good for one to be curious but not to curious that will cause trouble. I am 120 years old. Since us wolves stop growing in our mid 20s I am still consider young to most wolves." Chance says with a chuckle since both young she-wolves' mouths drop open after hearing his age.

"I am of the age 110." Layla says sweetly.

"I am at the age of 19 and same goes for my lovely Ella." Ed says and gives me a quick peck on the cheek causing the two to aww.

"Wait so that means you two are going to be full grown birdies soon?" Alona asks. We both nod yes.

"Ok enough with story time. It is time for you 5 to go start training and I need to go talk to my beta about something." Chance states and gives his mate a kiss before heading off to his office and awaiting Beta.

"Follow us girls. It is time for you to suit up and learn how to fight." Layla says with a small smirk. We follow her lead through the passages until we come to the trading room. It is a huge room carved into the bed rock. She leads us over to an empty fighting ring. See our fighting rings are about 30ft in diameter. It is also padded so that people don't get to hurt, especially if they are new.

Layla grabs to packages from her pockets and throw them to us birds. " Go eat your meat and get dressed in your fighting gear. I will help these to find some that will fit them to use for now until we can get some made for them." We do as told and go over two where our training gear is and change. The gear is leather padding in the chest, shoulders, thigh, shins, and forearm along with fingerless gloves and knee high laced up boots. The rest of the outfit consists of skin tight long sleeve, specialy made, shirt and pants. I personally think Ed looks better in his gear then I do but that might also be because he is in fact my mate. We strap our chosen weapons in their rightful spots.

We look at each smiling and laughing giddly from getting to eat meat soon. We tare into the packages aloof what just happens to be jerky. The meat seems to melt in my mouth. It's been so long since I last had the deliciousness called meat. I look up to see that

Ed's pupils are blown wide with his iris turning a bright blue, which I'm sure mine look the exact same. I feel a surge of power go through me. I smile hugely at Ed which he returns with a smile of his own. We take off into the air to stretch our wings. We soar over to the others.

I can see the shock on Alona's and Kylie's faces from here. We swoop down and land gracefully on our feet. "Are you girls ready to fight?" I smirk, stills giddy from the sudden power.


Hi my fellow homo sapiens! I hope you like my chapter! Sorry if it seems a bit rushed. I have worked about 20 hours since Thursday. Have a Good evening or whatever it is for you and I shall have another chapter for you next week! On Thursday or Friday Miss Chris will update chapter four for you! Loves you my griffins(you are now my griffins) See you next week!!:) ~Ellie

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