Chapter Six

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Hello my griffins! El here! At last I am back and to show how sorry I am for not being able to update I wrote you lovelys a over a 1000 word chappie! I was watching Merlin (its my 3rd time watching the series) while writing this. Oh how I love Merlin, Gwaine, and Percival so much. Also Percival is mine so ya you can't have him hehe. Tata for now my griffins and watchout for hellhounds!


Ellazandra's prov~

I am so nervous for the upcoming months. Not only will the twins be born but also Ed and myself will celebrate the days of our births. You see with Edward and me well we were born on the same day at the same hour. No we are not twins. We were born on the worst day of the year for us Ravens and that day is October 13th. Many believe that All Hallows Eve would be the worst since it is known to be a powerful day for all supernatural but the 13th day of the most magical month and when it lands on a Friday well that just makes us even more powerful. I just hope our changing goes smoothly. Oh and just to make it worst our birthdays happen to fall on a Friday this year that also happens to be the night of the Blood Moon. Fun right? Yeah no but luckily it can't get more worse then it already is.

~1 month later~

"Shit shit shit." I mumble repeatedly as I pace around a large room filled with dresses. "Just bloody fantastic!" I yell into the air. A knock comes from the door. I hear muffled talking outside as I near it. The door suddenly flings open and I see a pissed Ky and a very content looking Alo eating peaunt butter covered cheerios.

"What are you two doing hear?" I ask. Ky huffs and stomps to a sofa and throws her self on it. "Why we are hear? To help you find the perfect dress of course!" Alo says through a mouth full of peaunt butter and cheerios. "Now get you feathers behind that screen right now and get ready to try on dresses!" She giggles while playing with Ky's hair. "Stop that you crazy happy prego!" Ky huffs. Alo continues to annoy her sister while I head behind the dressing screen.

The day goes on and I bet I've tried over 20 dresses ranging from short to full blown ball gowns. Alo and Ky decided to join me in trying on gowns except Alo has experinced some umm problems with most of the gowns. See these gowns are made for non-pregant women and well since Alo is in her 8th month she has a very round tummy.

"Why won't this dress fit!! It is my size!" Alo wailed while trying to put on a tight dark purple dress that falls midthigh. She has it all bunched around the top of her tummy so all you can see is a pair of legging clad legs, then a very big stomach, and finally some arms and hair sticking out of the top of the dress. Ky and me laugh at this hilarious sight while Alo just pouts.

I walk up to her help her escape from the dress. "Alo lets find you a dress ment for soon to be mama wolf alright hun?" She just nods her head with a bright smile and goes back looking through the dresses. Kylie appears from behind her screen in a floor length gown. It has a silver top the flows down covering up the black shirt except where there is a slash on the left hand side. She looks absolutly stunning in it and I'm sure Brett will love the dress very much hehe. "Well how do I look?" She asks nervously shifting her weight from one foot to the next. "I think you look gorgeous and its time for you to find some shoes!" I say happily with a big smile. She returns the smile and hikes up her skirts before running over to the many shoes on the other side of the room.

I start looking through dresses with Alo until I find one I think would look amazing on her. I grab the dress and start pushing a startled Alo behind the screen and throw the dress at her before I go back searching for a dress for myself. I find a long black gown with a puffyy skirt and a dark blue mermaid one with gems linning the top. Alo still seems not to be done yet so I plop down on the couch infront of the changing rooms. it takes another five minutes till Alo finally waddles out from behind the screen wearing a amazing purple dress that suprisingly dosen't over exagerate her pregantance. "Now shoes." I say with a smile while pointing to her sister. She happlily says yes and waddles over to her sister.

I take Alo's place behind the screen and put on the blue dress first. I turn to look in the mirror. 'Hell no! This ain't the dress cause it does not look right when I have giant ass wings coming out of my back!' I think when I see myself in it. My black wings with the mermaid style dress makes me look like some muntant creature. Laughing at my thoughts I take it off and hang it up with the other one before I try on the black dress. When I turn around this time I'm shocked at what I see. The dress actually looks good with my wings. I leave the screen and go to the sisters to see what they think about the dress.

Alo squeals when she sees me and Ky claps her hands a bit like a retarded seal. "So I'm guessing this dress is a yes?" I say with a smile. "Hell yeah!" They say in sync. "Now its time to find shoes!" Ky says before we all set off to hunt for out shoes.

Finding shoes took even longer then the dress for Ky an myself. Lucky Alo found a pair of purple flats with a white lace design on the toe within the first hour because there is no way in hell that I will let the preggo wear heals.

Hours pass and Alo changes and goes off in search of food. Finally I find a pair of blue booties and a half hour later Ky finds some dark purple heals. We quickly change and go on the hunt for our food and men.

We of course find them in the training arena. Alo was sitting on the sidelines eating more cheerios and peaunt butter and watching the guys. Brett and Bj are dueling while Ed is in the air jumping from one bar to the next that criscross the ceiling. Ky dashes to Brett and they collide and kiss which turns into a full make out session. I just shake my head at the mates in love and soar up to the ceiling to see my Ed. I perch beside him and give him a quick peck in greeting. You see us ravens aren't big into showing signs of affection like the wolves.

"So how did the dress shopping go?" He asks with a smile and his green eyes shining with love and I am sure that my blue ones have the same look in them. I smile and huff, "I found out I am not fond of trying on over 20 dresses in one day. Shoes are also terrible." "I bet you will look beautiful love." He replys with a soft smile. He rubs my back where the wings connect and kisses my forhead. I happily sigh and lay my head on his shoulder. "I love you my Edward." "And I love you my Ellazandra." I lean up and give him a kiss.

"Hey love birds! Get your asses down here. It's time for supper!" I hear Brett yell. We look down and see the other four staring up at us with huge smirks. "Hehe that saying actually makes sense with them since you know *giggles* they are Ravens."Alo says. I look at Ed and shake my head smiling at what Alo said. We jump off our perch and drop towards the ground and spread our wings at the last second before we hit the floor. The others glare at us when we land.

"You two have to stop doing that! Your gonna give us all bloody heartattacks because you look like you were going to smash into the ground!" "Bj we learned how to fly before we could even walk so I think the chances of us smashing into the ground are very slim." Ed explains with a smirk. "Oh shut it Ed and don't do that anymore at least not till Alo has the pups cause you might just scare them out of her if you keep doing that." Brett replies.

We all laugh and head towards the dining hall to eat supper.

Helloo Chris here i hope y'all enjoy this chappie sorry for the laziness on this book I will try and update some time soon have a great day my cupcakes byeee.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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