Chapter Four

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Hola people its Chris here it's my day to update so here we go and we'll try and stick to the updating schedule next time ok here we go. Goddammit it's Saturday shoot i thought it was Friday so this is extra late gosh my bad m'sorry, this is all my fault I'm lazy so if this chapter sucks my bad but anyway lets go........

Alona's Pov

We got dressed in some makeshift fighting suits for now until we could get some specifically made for us. After getting dressed we walked out to meet Ella, Ed, and Layla. First we would be learning how to ward off air strikes.

"Are you ready?" Layla shouted. We readied ourselves into fighting stances and nodded our heads yes. Ella would be fighting me and Ed fighting Kylie. They came out of thier changing stations and flew up to their perches, which were hidden in the dark. Layla said "Ok girls you are going to need to be quick and agile to fight fliers; you will also need to be alert at all time using your sense of hearing and smell." "LET THE TRAINING BEGIN".

Ella came swooping down and I used my speed to dash out of the way just in time, and jump on her back taking her down by twisting her wing. I saw that Ed was circling around Kylie's head looking for an opening to strike. I clawed Ella's wing making blood spill out leaving her on the ground and kicked her in the ribs hard enough to knock the breath out of her.

Kylie sank her teeth into Ed's wing bringing him to the ground as well. She kicked his chest with a drop kick and pinned him to the ground easily. We heard Layla clap, and turned around to face her. She told us " Very good young ones, I believe you two are ready to take on ravens, so now it is my turn to teach you some defense maneuvers for weapon combat.

Kylie and I got to choose four weapons of choice, one large weapon and three smaller ones. I chose a bow and 20 arrows for my main weapon and a pack of daggers, a small battle axe, and a small scythe. Kylie chose the same except instead of a bow she picked a spear. We were ready.

We went to the a fighting arena lead by Layla. Once we got there we stood shocked by what we were supposed to fight. They were gorgeous. We were snapped out of our trance by Layla stating "These are your opponents, Bj and Brett. You will be fighting them in weapon combat so prepare yourselves". We huddled together "Ok which one are you gonna take on?" I Kylie asked. "Ummm I think I'll take on Brett, for some reason i wouldn't feel right hitting Bj" I replied. "Yea same for me I don't think I can hit Brett hmm" "Ok are you ready?" I nodded my head yes and we stepped up to them.

Wolves heal easily if wounded by another wolf so that's why we can fight with weapons. I jumped onto a small perch and notched an arrow shooting at Brett. It landed in his shoulder, him yelping in pain. I saw a dagger fly about an inch past my head and growled low. Hopping down from my perch I pulled out my axe and started running at him. He blocked my axe with a sword and kicked me in the knee. I fell to the ground, my canine teeth sharpening and leaving a bite wound in on his calve. He fell to the ground with me and we started wrestling until he pinned my arms on the floor. I kneed him in the stomach and pinned him down pressing a pressure point knocking him out cold. Kylie had done the same with Bj and we stood up panting and high fived.

Layla once again applauded us for our skill saying "Wow I am very impressed with you two now if you don't mind I need to go attend a meeting of the council could you help these boys up please."  we went over to them and I poked Aiden earning a groan from him and him slowly opening his eyes." What the fuck did i seriously get beat by a girl" he opened his eye and our gazes locked the first thing i thought was mate. I helped him up and he said "Did you feel it too" I nodded and we both leaned in until our lips met and fireworks went off. We pulled away and I muttered "damn..."  "I know we like just met but will you be my mate?" I replied by kissing him again and said " yes".

Ky and Brett also hit it off and we're were all walking back from weapon training. Layla had given all of us the day off, her being ecstatic that we found our mates. I went to Bj's room to stay the night and no not what you think you dirty minded people we mostly just got to know each other and cuddled.

I fell asleep in his arms thinking about how happy I am to have found my mate. I know that nothing will tear us apart and if any whores or bitches try and steal him from me I will slice their throats. I'm sure Kylie would do the same.....

Heyyy people Chris here still lol here chapter four finally again sorry for the wait but here ya go. Be awaiting Ellie's update hopefully on Monday or Tuesday at latest Wednesday. Byeeeee

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