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So I was tagged by RainCurtain
To say 13 things about myself and tag 15 people (i won't tag so many, i don't know that many people). This is my first time doing something like this so yay.

1. I'm currently a final year medical student.

2. I love m&ms. Like, I really, really, really, reallllyyyyy love them. I even have a cult about it.

3. I know intermediate Korean. I learn it to communicate better with Taeyong if I ever attend a fanmeet and when I visit Korea someday.

4. I sucked at English in high school but did great in math, even though I hate it.

5. I don't know what my purpose in life is, but I want to help others.

6. I'm bipolar and suffer from anxiety.

7. I have trouble focusing on one thing for a long time.

8. Severely impatient.

9. Very neurotic. I need things to be done well, correctly and on time.

10. I have an unhealthy obsession with chocolate.

11. I express myself through art: music, writing and drawing.

12. My dream destination is Italy.

13. I was an extra in a small movie production. No, I'm not telling you what it was.

Bonus: I've never been to a real life kpop concert huuhuuu. Hopefully someday after corona I can wave my neo bong for the boys.


Sorry to disturb your day.
Carry on.

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