Chapter 7

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remember how good it was being here last night

when you're lost, i'll find the way

you'll never feel like you're alone

i'll make this feel like home

~Home by our boys, One Direction

a/n: i explain this at the end don't worry, i'll stop talking so you can read hehe love y'all x


Sunlight. Warm sheets. Hair tickling my nose.

Those were my first thoughts as I slowly was brought back down to Earth, pulled from the comfort of my dreams of a faraway place. Such fantasies were always imagined in vain and reality soon crashed into the perfection of my make believe world like a meteor. The image burned up in my mind. I found my stubbornness gripping onto the memory, feeling it quickly slip through my fingers. Slammed back into the real world, I groaned, saying one last goodbye to the world that would never truly exist, but I would continue to visit every night until I could no longer stand it, the fact that it could never be real shredding through the blissful peace, the hope dissipating into the thin air of the world I lived in. I rubbed my eyes, finally giving in to the inevitability of life.

I felt disoriented as I rolled over and opened my eyes. I instantly froze. My eyes grazed across the scene before me. Gray sheets were pulled over my curled up body, hardwood floors stretching underneath the current bed I was situated in, a large window to my right with blindingly white curtains, sun filtering through them. To my left was a master bathroom and a door that I assumed led to a closet. Another door was cracked open which I guessed led to the rest of the house. The unfamiliar bedspread was striped in similar colors of gray and black, white intricate designs etched into the fabric. Where the heck was I?

Maybe I had been kidnapped. Maybe the kidnappers were through one of those doors. I glanced at the small table next to the bed, noticing the expensive alarm clock and fancy lamp. I could possibly use the lamp as a weapon if needed. Or maybe I had gotten drunk and someone had taken me home with them. But that didn't make sense, I don't drink. I still turned to see if someone else was in the bed, being extremely cautious just in case the kidnappers heard me. No one was there. The sheets beside me lay limp, most of them still pulled up nicely and fitted over the mattress. He could've left earlier and made the bed afterward. What if I had gotten drunk and then kidnapped? What if it wasn't a he and was a she? What if it was a he and a she?? What if there were twelve people out there waiting for me to get up so they could-

Wait. Hold up. Calm down, Sam.

You weren't freaking kidnapped and you didn't get drunk. I flopped against the pillow, attempting to bring myself back to more rational thoughts. Think about what you did last night, where you were. There has to be a more reasonable explanation than kidnapping. The grogginess of sleep slowly left me and I started remembering.

Harry. The boys. Ice skating. Harry. Hot cocoa. Cards. Harry. Pillow. Titanic. Harry. I must've fallen asleep last night watching the movie. This must be Harry's room. Or a guest room. Did he . . . would he . . . ? I decided I wouldn't know the truth unless I went out and checked. The clock on the bedside table said it was 7 am, about three hours earlier than I usually woke up. I was a deep sleeper and sleeping in was a talent of mine, the exception being when I slept in a bed that wasn't mine, which seemed to be the case as I looked over the unfamiliar sheets that covered me.

I slipped the covers off, my bare feet enjoying the coolness of the hardwood floor. I was grateful I had taken my socks off since I could never sleep longer than an hour with them on. I felt my joints pop slightly and almost headed out of the room before deciding to take a quick stop at the bathroom. The master bath was gorgeous. I washed my hands in one of the pristine sinks and built up the courage to finally look at my reflection in the mirror. Yikes.

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