The Battle At Pelennor

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24. The Battle at Pelennor

"We will soon reach the battlefield!" Halbarad cried out at last after many long hours of sailing towards their goal.

"Ready the men!" Aragorn shouted as he jumped onto deck next to Halbarad. Aragorn surveyed the land before him. He could see the Pelennor fields lay within his reach and he could see thick smoke rise from different parts of it. The battle was already in full swing. Far off in the distance he saw the White City itself surrounded by massive enemy forces. He knew his people were literally fighting for their lives and Aragorn's heart beat with the strong will to help them.

Elrohir and Elladan stepped up next to the man at the same time as Halbarad hurried away to call out orders to the other boats in their conquered fleet.

"This is it," Elrohir whispered to his brother and Elladan simply nodded.

"Let us prepare," Aragorn said with a short nod and turned to make sure that Brego was ready. As he felt the eager muscle ready to join the fight, he knew Brego would do a good job on the battle grounds. The man let his eyes drift from the horse to the bow of the ship where a lone figure stood in the strong, cold winds.

Aragorn exhaled and walked over to Arwen whose silvery eyes shone dimly as she gazed straight ahead. The man followed her gaze and his eyes landed on the fires and shadows of Mordor that lay on the other side of the river.

"I am cold..." Aragorn's head whipped in the maiden's direction as her whispered words barely carried over the wind. With a concerned frown he stepped closer to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"It will be well, melamin," he promised and squeezed her shoulder tight.

She distantly placed her own slender hand atop of his and it was clear to the former ranger that her hand was colder now than it had been just a few days earlier. However, he was intent on not letting Arwen see his fear on the matter. He gently coaxed her instead to turn from the shadows he knew lurked within his beloved. "Come, Arwen. It is time to fight this evil."

As if his words had lifted a dark spell, Arwen blinked a couple of times, turned from her stance and followed the man to the horses further away on the deck.


Within minutes the ships cruised up to the piers of their goal and stopped. The Orcs on land stepped over and the leader of the Orcs pushed his way to the front while shouting, "Pirate scum! You are late! There's knife-work here that needs doing! Get off your boats!"

The Orc opened his mouth as if to continue but no words came out when a brown steed suddenly leaped from the main ship with a ranger atop its back. The Orcs recollected themselves and prepared for a fight as more horses leaped over the railings and landed before them.

Aragorn looked at the dark creatures before him and pulled Andúril from its sheath. Only seconds after the ghost army streamed through the hull of the ship. The man charged first and the ghosts, rangers, elves and dwarf followed close behind, killing everything that crossed their path.

Aragorn wielded his sword left and right and took out his foes with little struggle. He glanced over at his friends and saw that Elladan and Elrohir had jumped from their horses and instead fought with bow and daggers on the ground. There was already a pile of carcasses by their feet. On the man's other side, Gimli hacked away with his axe at the frightened Orcs. Further behind Aragorn saw Arwen and Asfaloth. The elven maiden swung her own sword with all the might she possessed. Aragorn was both pleased and relieved to find she had found strength enough and he hoped it would last her through the war.

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