chapter 4

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I will start to refer the characters by their first names and it will be confusing for a while. However in dialogues, (Name) and the others will call each other in last names, unless stated.

(Name) and Skylar came home bloody and beaten up. The former looked almost worse, she couldn't move her shoulder and felt it was tearing off her torso.

Her grandparents grew worried that they didn't come home they said, 'We'll be home before 2:00 p.m'. When the teens came thirty minutes late, Caesar and Valeria rushed towards them after noticing their condition, changed their clothes and cleaned their wounds immediately.

The teens didn't bother to go to the hospital, preferring to avoid questions from doctors and nurses about their wounds. Answering those would be hard and bizarre to explain, even if they try to cover it up. Their explanation might get worse and they would die in embarrassment instead.

(Name)'s shoulder was bandaged up securely. It was to make sure that she wouldn't move it as well. She cringed slightly as she went to grab a cup of coffee from Valeria, who only patted her head with Hamon to lessen the pain in her shoulder. Caesar went out to buy more first aid kits, since the reserves were already used by the teens.

"I think you shouldn't join me going to Japan..." (Name) stated as she sat beside Skylar, who decided to rest his legs across her lap. He kept himself silent as he pondered her words. Yes, she was right. And he knew that she didn't mean that he was weak, she was worried and concerned that he was being influenced by the mess between the Joestar and Zeppeli clans due to Dio's awakening.

Skylar sighed softly, rubbing his face with his palm. "Okay. I'll remain here in Italy," He said then glared at her, "You better come home."

(Name) huffed a chuckle at his warning. "I will," Then suddenly remembered their school, "You don't mind being a dad for our classmates for a while, right?"

"I don't mind. Got used to it because of you, mom." Spearton's Charm flicked Skylar's forehead, its stoic eyes seemed to be glaring slightly. The British-Italian teen playfully poked his tongue out at (Name), she imitated him as well after emptying her cup of coffee.

Mohammed inquired with a soft tone, "How was your shoulder?" He stood with (Name) as they ignored Caesar who was scolding Joseph quietly from the background. A few passengers who were waiting for their boarded planes watched the older men idly with raised, curious brows.

"It's good. My Nonna's Hamon healing made the wound heal faster." (Name) answered with a smile to reassure her Egyptian friend, "Took the extra two days rest."

Mohammed hummed and patted her head softly, "Glad to see you well after the incident. You have experienced how to fight an Enemy Stand user, might as well get ready. I have a feeling that this visit will take longer."

(Name) nodded in response and watched her grandfather with a distant expression, who seemed to be saying a handful of words to Joseph. Being a Class President and a Stand User had one benefit, it made her stoic. There might be an underlying mental scar from Theo's ambush two days ago.

That experience was much more different than what she dealt in her school. She was unsure if that certain memory might be a possible traumatic event since she was only seventeen.

Caesar went towards her with a warm smile and ruffled her short (Hair Colour) locks, "Be careful Girasole." Then hugging her gently, aware of her shoulder wound despite it had already healed. (Name) returned the gesture and squeezed him slightly.

Caesar pulled away and admired the headband he gave her, then poked her birthmarks with a grin, (Name) pouted. He turned to Joseph, motioned his two fingers to his eyes then to his old friend who nodded with a grin. Then walked away before sending a wave for (Name).

Petals of Charm | JJBA PT.3 - [REWRITING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora