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I'm 15 year old teenage girl who goes to school and has pretty good grades. I live in Europe, in Paris, in a old small apartment with my alcoholic mom. I have a very small room where's my bed and table and nothing else. Basically I sleep in pantry kind of room. My mom and dad don't live together, he left while my mom was pregnant with me, so I haven't seen my dad in real life. All I know about him is that he's a businessman who lives somewhere in America, has a new wife, four kids, two older than me and two younger, and lives a happy life. My mom and dad met at a bar on new year's eve. My dad was on a business trip blablabla and somehow I happened. Sometimes I feel like I was a mistake, probably was. I have tried to ask mom for dads phone number, to socialize and stuff, but she has never given it to me. Mom has always friends over, and guess who they are, alcoholics, yeah right. It's really hard to study or even sleep but somehow I can do it. Luckily we have shower and warm water, so I don't stink. What about my clothes? Well I don't really have those cute trendy stuff but I have something I feel comfortable. I do have a phone, I phone 5s, my mom brought it for my birthday, she said it was from my dad. I sometimes get bullied at school but I don't let them offend me.

I have never told it to anyone, but I really love singing and dancing. I don't take dance classes, I've learned everything by myself. I am actually very very flexible. I can't practice dancing in my small apartment, so I do it on my roof with amazing view, The Eiffel Tower, like in the movies. Believe me it is very beautiful at night.

Very often I go to sleep starving. sometimes I don't have food for weeks. The only time when I get food is at school. There's a bakery in front of my apartment and there works this very kind lady called Claire, she sometimes gives me dinner for free because she's my moms old classmate. My dad gives us money but all the money goes for alcohol and cigarets and my mom's friends. Her friends are sometimes very violent and mom and her friends like to tease and push me, I usually don't get really hurt. Usually.

Let's begin with my story.

Okay so that was introduction. Hope you liked it. It's my first time writing a story on Wattpad, excuse me for my bad writing, I'm not English. I got this idea from my dream haha:)Byebye

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