Part 4

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On the plane:
I woke up right before my plane landed. I fixed my hair to not look like a mess. I got off the plane and walked to the lobby where I'm supposed to meet my dad. I was walking pretty fast, my heart was beating out of my chest. I was looking around but I couldn't find him, but suddenly I see him, standing with a little girl, who should be my sister, and a sign in his hand "WLCOME HOME Y/N". I think he saw me too and he started to walk towards me. I started to speed walk but then I found myself running in his arms. "Hi my girl, you're so big" he said as he hugged my tighter and tighter. "I missed you dad". "I missed you too". I didn't want to leave his grip but we had hugged for maybe 5 minutes now. "Y/n, this is your little sister Taytum". "Hi Taytum, I'm y/n". "Hi" she said and hugged me, I picked her up. "Okay let's go, let me take your suitcase". "Okay thanks".

In the car:
"So how was your flight?" asked my dad. "To be honest, pretty scary, it was my first time flying". "Okay". "I have flown a plane once" said Taytum. "Cool, where did you fly?". "To Tokyo, it was so cool, dad brought me Hello Kitty ice cream, it was deLICIOS!". We all started laughing, she was so cute. "Y/n?" Taytum said in cute voice. "Yes?". "How old are you?". "I'm 15". "Oooh Walker is basically same age as you!". "Who's Walker?" I asked being very confused. "Well I have four more children thank you. There's Jaden who's 17, Cynthia who's 16, Walker who's 13 and Taytum who's 4." said my dad in a proud voice. Wow I can't wait to meet them. "Wow I have so many brothers and sisters, I can't wait to meet them!". We talked about many family stuff and about my brothers and sisters and their mom.

"And we're home!" my dad said as we pulled up to a very beautiful and huge house. Wow I'm gonna live in here? "Can I hold your hand?" Taytum asked. "Of course" I said and we started to walk towards front door. My dad opened the door and we walked in. "Wow, no way I'm gonna live here?!". My dad just laughed at my expressions. I heard footsteps coming. "Omg hii, I'm Catherine, you're so beautiful". It's my dads wife, she's so sweet. "Hello, I'm y/n, nice to meet you" I said as we hugged. I hear more footsteps and I see three more people coming. "Hello I'm Walker". "Hi". "I'm Jaden". "I'm Cynthia". "Nice to meet you guys" I said and smiled. Wow I have so big and nice new family. "I can show you your room and our house!" Cynthia said as she took my suitcase, grabbed my hand and ran up the stairs.

"So this is your room, there are my old clothes and some new clothes in your closet for you". "Thank you". I have cute medium size room with a big bed. Cynthia showed me around the house, it's amazing. We were about to go to backyard when Walker said that he wants to come with us too. There was a big pool, a big tennis court, and from further I saw a sparkling lake. "Wow I love it here!" I said. "Yeah we too" Cynthia said. Then Jaden joined with us. "So talk about yourself a little" Walker said. "Okay". We sat down on a sofa that was outside and talked literally about everything, my life, school, my mom but I never mentioned dancing, I don't want them to know yet. Soon dad, Catherine and Taytum joined with us too. I have never been so happy.

Hope you liked it. You can always leave comments:) I would love if you shared my story. Byebye.

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