Part 8

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The next morning. Y/n pov:
I woke up with a crazy headache. I noticed that I wasn't in my bed and I sat up. Oh we fell asleep here. I stood up and went to kitchen to grab a class of water with ice. I looked at the clock, it's 8am, yay 4 hours of sleep. I took my phone and went outside to breath some fresh air. I looked at my phone and saw messages from unknown number. It must be Caleb.

Caleb- Hey.
Caleb- You're asleep?
Caleb- Oh btw it's me Caleb.
I decided to text him back
Me- Good morning:)
Me- Sorry we were watching movies last night.

It's pretty early so he's sleeping still ig. While I thought about him, he texted me back.

Caleb- Morning, you're a early bird.
Me-Yeah I am.
Caleb- How did you sleep?
Amazing next to Payton, I thought myself.
Me- Good, but I woke up with killing headache. And you?
Caleb- Oh are alright? And I slept good.
Me- Yeah I'm sitting outside, breathing some fresh air.
Caleb- That's exactly what I'm doing too.
Me- We have a lot in common haha.
Caleb- Haha yes.
Caleb- Okay bye ttyl, my family and I are going surfing.
Me- Alright, bye!

I put down my phone and had a big grin on my face. "Morning, why you smiling?" Cynthia said while sitting next to me. "Oh um, nothing.". "You sureee" she said in teasing voice. "I met a boy yesterday at the park and we were texting a minute ago.". "AWWWW MY BABY SISTER HAS A BOYFRIEND!". "Shhh no he isn't my boyfriend and I'm not a baby, I'm only a year younger than you.". "As you say!" she said while leaving back inside. I just laughed at her and went after her.

"What's for breakfast?" Walker asked. "Literally all you care is food" Cynthia laughed at him. "Duhh" he said and we all laughed. "I'm too tired to make anything, let's just eat cereal today" I said. "I'm down!" all the boys yelled. We ate and talked

After breakfast I went to my room, showered, brushed my teeth and put on some leggings and a cropped top and went downstairs. "You guys want to play volleyball outside?". "I'm so down!" Payton said. They all agreed and we played for maybe two hours. "It's so hot I'm dying!" Jaden yelled. "Me too!" Walker said. "Me three" Payton said. "Me five" Cynthia said. "There's a lake near, let's go swimming hung out there!?". "YESS PLEASE!" Jaden said in a baby voice. "Everyone put on your swimming suits and let's meet here in 5 minutes." Cynthia said. We all ran to ours rooms. I put on some white bikinis that Cynthia had given me, took my phone and water bottle, slipped on my slippers and went outside. And we started walking to lake. The lake is basically in our backyard.

"In three let's jump in!" Wakee yelled. "Three, two, oneee!". And we all jumped. The water was soo warm. It's the beginning of July. We played water games and had fun. After playing awhile we decided to sunbathe with Cynthia, Payton took some photos of me and Cynthia because Payton takes so good pictures. Me and Payton took some too.

This is the picture I posted

This is the picture Cynthia posted

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This is the picture Cynthia posted

This is the picture Cynthia posted

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This is the picture Payton posted

(Payton and y/n don't have these clothes)

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(Payton and y/n don't have these clothes)

It was getting dark and cold outside so we decided to put on a fire. "I brought marshmallows!" Cynthia said singing the marshmallow part. "Yay" we all cheered. We ate and laughed and enjoyed our evening. "Guys" I said. "Yeh" they all answered. "You all have changed my life completely. I'm the happiest I've ever been and I'm so thankful for each one of you. You're the bestest friends I've ever had. I love you guys and I never want to lose you!" I said tearing up a bit. "Aww sis we love you too!". And we made a big group hug which lasted for good 2 minutes. "We should head back home since it's 11pm already.". We went home, showered and went to sleep. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Do you guys like longer or shorter books. Some of you wanted to know where I got all the characters. Step mom is Catherine Paiz, dad Callum Jones, brothers Jaden Hossler and Walker Bryant, sisters Cynthia Parker and Taytum Fisher, Payton Moormeier and Caleb Coffee. Byebye.

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