Part 3

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Couple days later:
It has been many days since I talked to mom about visiting my dad. Me and dad have been talking every day, I really can't wait to see him.

Saturday morning:
It's Saturday which means I don't need to go to school and I can sleep the whole day. I woke up at 10am, I didn't sleep as long as I could but whatever. Since it was very hot outside I thought of going on the beach, to only sunbathe because the water is freezing. After that I went to a bakery in front of my apartment, to talk to Claire. She was my only friend and she gives the best advice. We talked long time but she had to work and not chat with me. I am still little mad at mom so I decided to practice dancing on my apartments roof. I ended up filming some of my choreos and then went home to take a shower. I got out of the shower, put on my pj's and brushed my teeth. Suddenly my mom came in my room, a plate in her hands and red puffy eyes. "Hey, uh you haven't eaten in awhile, so I made a sandwich for you". "Thanks, you can put it on my table". There was this ling silence, she just stood at my door watching me. "Is there something wrong?" I asked feeling little worried. "Umm yes". "What is it?". "I thought about our conversation earlier, I know that I am not the best mom and I would never be someone who can raise you. You're my daughter and I love you, but this isn't the life I want you to live. So I let you go and live your life in America, you can visit me if you want, but you don't need to" she said and smiled at me. It was the sweetest smile she has ever had. "Really??". "Yeah really!" . "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU" I jumped up and down like crazyyy. "I'm going to call dad!". "All right".

On the phone call:
Beep. Beep. I'm sooo happy and nervous. "Hi y/n". "HI GUESS WHAT!". "What?". "Mom let's me live with you!". "No way, really?". "Yesyesyes". "Your flight leaves in four days". "I know I know, I'm soooo exited". "Me too, my wife can't wait to see you, recently you're the inky topic we've been talking about". "Okay, U got to go now, love ya.". "Love you sweetie, bye!".

Four days later:
"Is your suitcase packed?". "Yes". "Do you have everything?". "Yes". "Your ticket?". "Yes mom stop worrying, everything is fine". "Yeah yeah right, I'm just getting emotional, you raised all by yourself, you're amazing daughter". "Thank y-". Suddenly my mom started coughing so hard. "MOM! Are you okay?". "Yes, don't worry about me!". "Okay I need to go, bye mom!". "Bye sweetheart" and she hugged me. Tbh I'm getting really emotional too.

I'm on a plane, flying to America, to live with my dad. I'm so excited to meet his new family and I really hope they'll take me as their family. Like that thoughts kept running around my head and I fell asleep.

To be continued.
Okay I'm actually really excited about her going to America too. Yayy. Okay byebye.

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