What to know about brushing a wig

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I have made many mistakes when it has come to brushing a wig. There are many mistakes you can make, but they are easy to avoid!

The Brush

When brushing a wig you are going to want to have a brush ment for wigs. Using a non wig brush can be very harsh on wigs and will tug on the hair strands much harder. If you want to use a comb i recommend a wide tooth comb it works very well and is not has harsh at all! Tip!: If you have both first use the wide tooth comb and then use the brush so the brush has a easy time going through the fibers!


2 . Brushing The Wig

You would think to brush it from the top to bottom like you do with normal hair but that is quickly incorrect. You want to start from the bottom where the tips are and work your way up! Doing this will put less stress on the wig and will help prevent you from pulling all the hair strands out and trust me those things will go all over your house/apartment like tumbleweeds. Tip: sometimes if you divide the strands into different sections it can make brushing it much easier! 

3. Dealing with knots

Knots cna be a real pain but I have an easy way to fix it. Take the top strands above the knot and split in half. Then stick your index finger and middle finger in the gap. Next have those to fings push out and take your spare hands on the bottom of the strands coming out of the knot. While your toe fingers are pushing outward ( not too hard though you don’ t want to break the strands) the opposite hand you have on the strands coming out of the now pull those strands. That is how you get the knots out! I hope this made sense. 

4. Over brushing a wig

You might start to realize the tips of your wig might look really frizzy that can be a sign of over brushing. If your wig is starting to look frayed or very frizzy, the same can be a sign of over brushing. Doing this harms the wig and can potentially ruin the fibers. I have found a  way I used a very frayed wig of mine to unfray it! Before you do this there are a few things you NEED to do/know. Make sure to go check if your wig is heat resistant and how much it can take from the heat, have no hair products like hairspray due to the chance of the wig caching on fire, I am not a professional, and i don’ t know if other people do this. Also make sure you don't have knots in it because it will make it much easier. Take a flat iron and adjust the heat setting to something lower than the most heat degree and start running it over session at a time make sure to brush the stand after you run over it a few times because it will help you tell if you had to brush it again that it would fry again or not. This process will take awhile so keep that in mind!

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