Let's talk about costumes

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Costumes can be really expensive but are things you can do to help with the cost! The first thing is the websites you look at. If you want something new you could go to amazon but others can be cheaper like aliexpress for example and sometimes evean ebay! These kinds of websites are much cheaper than Amazon! Especially halloween stores due to  overcharging their customers.The shipping could take longer but it will be worith it in the end!

 Sometimes depending on the character sometimes you don’t even need to go buy a costume you could go to second hand clothing stores/thrift stores/garage sales. Stores like Goodwill for example you could find the pieces really cheap you would need paying way less. You could even buy the parts you need and make adjustments them to make it work for a costume! Even buying the pieces you can use them to  make your own costume yourself. It could take while but it can be worth it! Sometimes you don’t even need to have a costume at all!

A big thing too rember when buying a costume is that sometimes the quality might not be the best. If you buy a cheap costume there s a chance it might be low quality even if you play alot of money it could still be the same quaily as the cheaper costume. You never know if will be good or bad, if it sounds to good to be true then there is a higher chance of a lower qualiy. Who knows what if it is amazing quality. So if your going to buy try and find a compay/website you like for the costumes!

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