How to Detangle a Wig

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 Detangling a wig can be hard but here is the process that can help you

Laundry softener preparations

What you want to do for this step is fill a bucket/sink/ect. (whatever you're using) make sure to leave room for your wig  to fit in. Next get you laundry softener and put some in with the water and add some ( about the same amount you add when doing laundry) a little bit will go a long way.  Mix the water and laundry softer up and when fully mixed put you wig in. Make sure the whole wig is wet and leave in for 6 hours or overnight.


Rince out the wig

When it has been at least 6 hours or oversight sitting in the mixter take the wig out and rinse all of the fabric softener out of the wig. You can choose is you would like to let the wig dry then start or do it dry. I recommend you do it when it is slightly damp. If you do wait for it to dry let it air dry because it will be better for the wig


Before dealing with the wig try to make sections. S instead of taking it all at once you only work on one part of the wig at a time this can make things much easier. 

Unknot and brush

On the previous page I told you an easy way to get the knots out and this is a good time to use it. Before you use your brush take the time to get all the knots out then use your brush to make sure there is none left. Continue this till you fish the whole wig and now you're done!

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