Taking Videos and pictures

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Author here please read this so you understand some of the things in this chapter. The video portion will be mainly for tiktok due to alot of cosplayers useing the app, but some of them can work for any other kinds of videos.  Also the camera tips will also apply to tiktok too a bit!! If it's in italics then it can apply to both in the segment! If something is underlined it is important. 

-First you will want good lighting! If you are outside look in the direction the sun is faceing and look what angle your shadow is faceing. You will want your shadow behind you. Set your phone up in the direction the sun is faceing to you shadow is behind you. Make sure the sun is faceing infrount of you and not behind you.  If the sun is behind you in your photo/video the lighting would be effected.
- If you are inside things can apply a little different. Lets first talk about if there is daylight out! Find a window you can set your phone up or something by a window that will support your phone. You will want to have your phone set up so the light coming in from the window is faceing you. This makes it so your cosplay is easyer to see! Now lets talk about if there is no daylight and your useing a different light sourse. You will want to do the same thing you did before with the window but insted of doing it infount of a window do it infout of yoru light sourse.
- Here are some light options if your makeing a video whith no daylight.First there is white light thislight is alot like natural daylight because it does not give off a tint of another color. the other is a light that gives off a yellow/orange tint. That light will give off that tint a little on your cosplay. Then there is one that is in the middle between the two.

   Takeing the picture
- If you are takwing the picture this will help alot. What you can do is set up a timer so you have the extra few seconds to get into your pose in your cosplay so you can see the whole cosplay in the picture without any help! You will go into your settings in your camra and find where it says timer. In there you can set the time untill your phone would take the picture!

    Makeing tiktoks
- Noramly not using a fliter is good but when your in tiktok in cosplay i highly reccomend useing the F3 filter! It will make the colors in your cosplay look realy good and a little bit brighter makeing your cosplay stand out! I would reccomed it being on anywhere inbetween 50%-80% in the video! Also before you get into cosplay make sure you have sounds saved so you dont have to hunt down sounds to use everytime! Also use # to get more views that will help you get views but make sure not to use the same # every video and also throw in some random ones and trending ones. Also try to interact withn your followeres to for more reach!

     Editing your photos
- Always rember when editing your photos make sure your not overediting so it beats reality. Puting a filter on is ok but sometimes editing so your a hourglass can make others insecure of there cosplays. If you do edit i recomend just puting a filter over top and mabye adding some stickers.
- The app i highly reccomend using for adding stickers is PicsArt ! It is really good and free! you can add stickers to add a background, stickers, crop, make yoru own stickers, and all of that for free! then you can download it to post and with no watermark from the app! Below is a few photos for examples of what you can do to your photos!

- The app i highly reccomend using for adding stickers is PicsArt ! It is really good and free! you can add stickers to add a background, stickers, crop, make yoru own stickers, and all of that for free! then you can download it to post and with n...

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( Please note all these pictures are ones I have done)

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( Please note all these pictures are ones I have done)

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