Styling a wig

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( sorry about incorrect spelling i cant spell for the life of me -_-)

    If you have gone onto apps like TikTok you have probley seen that alot of cosplays wigs are "puffy/fluffy" looking reccently ( as of 7/18/2020) and then there is the not very fluffy/puffy looking well i can help you with both! Some methods will work for some wigs and some will. Also REMBER before useing things like flat iorns, curling iorns, krimpers, ect. to go check the information of the wig meaning to go back to the sight u got it and see what heat levels it can withstand. If the wig is a long wig i reccomend not poofing it up.

How to get a wig puffy
    Poofing/fluffing up a wig will give it alot more volume in a previous chapter i talked about a wig getting frayed. If you do what to gerid of the poof you will have to wash the wig,let it dry, then you can flat iorn it and it fixes it. when you make a wig poffy it can also make is easier to style due it not being a it more stiff due to the teasing but not like super still just not a loose as when not doing this.
     We all know try not get you wig knotted but in this case it is different. It is much easyer to do with a comb than brush. Grab the section/peice of hair you want to start with and depenting if it a bigger chunk  or smaller your comb size will matter. The bigger the piece you may want a wide tooth comb but if it is a smaller peice a small tooth/regular comb will do better. Ok so lift it up like you going to brush it but when you brush you will be backbrushing it. What you are currently doing is teasing the wig. So you would start from the end of the hair to the base of the wig you can start from the veary end of the tip or closer to the base both will get the job done. It is ok if it get knotted. If you want it to be more puffy then put a litter hairspray in it, but no to much we will need to get the knotts out. Now do this with the rest of the wig. Once you finish that your going to brush it all out, and i konw your probley thinking im nuts but trust me it works. Once the is done with the burshing out adn you still want it more of iti you can do it again. Something i tryed and it worked after brushing out the teasing is takeing a crimpinhg iorn and cruimping it the hairspraying it then brushing it out again and there you go!

Curleing a wig
       Yes you can use a curleing iorn but sometimes it dose not work so here is another way and it does use heat. Take someing round like a pencil for example and rap the peice of hair around it. You can use anything roudn for it to rap around but it has to fit inside of the flat iron do be careful and make sure not to use tings that could melt or catch fire from it. Take the end of the strand and move it away from the rest and hold onto it with you finger this wil prevent u from getting burned. Now hod it inbetween the flatiorn and move it around makeing sure not to burn your self. Take it out and wait 1 min for it to cool down and unwing the hair. Now you have a curle. You can also do something like this without the head by takeing things like curlers or a tolit paper rool and wind the hair around it and hair spray it that does work to.

Krimping the wig
This methoid is not good for a teised wig it will take out the hairspray.
      If you dont have a crimping iorn her eis another way. Braid the hair in tight braids the tigter and smaller the breaids the more it will be krimped. so once you finish that get all the braids wet and let it sit this can take hours for it to dry. So let it fry overnight or even if you want up to 24 hours. Then afte rit is compleatly dry you can take it out of the braids or flat iron or krimp the braids the second option (if you want you can even just skip getting the braids wet and drying if you want) if just if you think it is not compleaty dry even if it feals dry. Next just undo the brains and there you go it is Krimpet!

I am pretty sure you probly know how to use a flat iorn and if not search up a totorial on YT because alot of people know how to use one and i am not veary god at useing one... Hairspray works miracles... if i did not cover anything it is probley on yt. So um ya! IF your reading this thanks so  much i know there is not many books like this but i am not the best a writeing stories so i thought this kind of book might work!

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