Chapter 5

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Honestly I kinda just felt like publishing 2 chapters today sooo here ya go!
Mount Justice
August 6

Wally's POV

Oh god. Oh god. What have I done? AND SHE SAW! This is amazing, this is spectacular. After Artemis walked in Jinx hurried and left, I look up to see Robin in front me of me.
"You don't have to say it Rob, I already know I 'screwed up big time'." He looked and me and shook his head while sitting beside me.
"I don't get it dude, why are you doing this to yourself. Just cause you get in one petty argument doesn't mean you can go and do this. I really thought you were better than that Wally. She's hurt, she just gave you another chance! I-I just don't get it." He gets up and looks at me disappointed.
"Fix it, Wally." He turns and walks out of my room. I look up to see Artemis walking past my room, I speed up to her.
"Hey Arty, wait up!" I walked beside of her. She glared at me,
"I don't want to talk to you." She walks faster,
"Arty, I know I messed up but im-" she interrupted me.
"I'm so tired of hearing you say sorry, it's never ending! Maybe when you stop doing stuff that you have to say sorry for then I'll talk to you. I.. I can't be around you right now." She walks in her room shutting the door.
"Damn, that must suck man." I look up to see Cameron at the end of the hall smiling.
"Your gonna lose her, West. And when you do, she'll be running to me." He laughs and walks past me. Who does he think he is?! I would totally beat his ass if Arty wasn't friends with him.

Artemis's POV

I sit on my bed listening to music deep in my thoughts. Maybe this is the world telling me Wally is to good for me? I mean I do come from a family of criminals, I'd ruin him. No! I'm not like them. I'm better than them, and I don't need Wally. I'm starting to think the only reason he showed 'interest' in me was so he could just have someone. Cam seems like he actually likes me, maybe I should give him a chance? I was so fascinated in this person who seemed like someone they aren't, but thats over with. I take out my headphones and sit down on the floor cleaning my arrows. A knock on my door startles me,
"Come in!" I said without picking my head up.
"Hey Batman has a mission for us." I look up and see it's M'gann.
"Alright, thanks I'll be in there in a minute." I smiled. I put on my suit and walked into the large room. Bats looks at us and begins to speak,
"I need you all to go and check out a warehouse in the jungle. We think Cobra is there selling Venom to a secret buyer, see who it is and stop them." We all nod and board the Bio-ship. It takes us about 15 hours to get there. I decided to sleep for half of the ride, I woke up seeing everyone else asleep except Wally and M'gann. I look at her and say,
"Hey M'gann, let me drive for a bit so you can get rest. I need the practice anyway." She nods and switches seats with me, she quickly falls asleep.
"I'm surprised your not asleep." I looked at him.
"Not tired." He looks down. I frowned,
"Can you at least tell me why you done it? I didn't even think our argument was that bad.. we've had worse." He looks at me and sighs.
"Jinx has been my friend since forever, I'm the reason she's good now. And I do worry about her. I know I shouldn't have done what I did, I think I knew you were right.. and it made me upset because I didn't want to accept that I was her pet." He puts his head in his hands.
"I'm really sorry, I know you don't want to hear it but I am. I do care about you so much, Artemis. You don't trust me and you have every reason not to." I look back down.
"Just give me time, okay?" He nods. We finally arrived to the jungle. I woke everyone up and got off the ship.

Wally's POV

We all stood there waiting for Aqualad to tell us what to do. Jinx hold my arm, while I frown. She's my friend in all but that's all I want us to be. Kaldur finally spoke,
"We will be splitting up in teams of three, Connor, Icicle Jr. , M'gann go keep guard in the front entrance and see if you can see the buyer. Kid Flash, Artemis, Jinx go to the back entrances and make sure nothing happens back there. Me and Robin will patrol from both sides and keep watch, get going." We all walked off to our assigned areas. Well this is going to be awkward, Kaldur hates me most definitely. Artemis begins to speak,
"Keep watch on the sky I'm sure they will fly in." Jinx rolls her eyes and grabs my hand.
"Isn't this place so cool Wally! So tropical and romantic." She smirks and smacks her lips against mine. I could see Artemis frown and look away. I smiled at Jinx and continued to look around. That was until I get punched in the face by Sportsmaster.

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