Part1(back from the dead)

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(Okay before we start when ever it says arkham knight as the speaker that means you have you voice modulator on)

I had been the arkham knight for a year when I started to get recognition among the people but that didn't matter. All that mattered to me was finding that damn clown and beating the shit out of him but I could never track him down every lead I got was either false or a dead end that took me no where. Everywhere I looked I kept getting leads that ended face down.But this time I had a good feeling I had gotten word from juinor of a dust robbery that was going to happen tonight. All took was broken arm and a bullet to left knee to get him talking he said that not only was the clown going to there but three others as well one of them being Roman torchwick and some new guy there calling the red hood.


I heard a lady scream from any ally way not to far from me, I made my way to the ally and found a woman being corned by a man. It looked like he was going to either kill,mug,or rape her considering the gun in his hand. I dropped behind him and sweeper his leg,he fell hard to the ground dropping his gun on the ground I picked up the weapon and destroyed it by crushing it in my right hand.

Woman:Thank you,thank you,thank you!

Arkham knight:No problem now get out of here and get home.

She nodded and ran away to safety.I looked back at the thug as he started to crawl away from me until he bumped into the wall behind him.

Arkham knight:Dead end.

I then scanned the man's face to figure out that he had a criminal record of one theft,two rape attempts,and one murder he served 20 years in total and his name his Jonathan nail.

Nail:You're the ark--

Arkham knight:I AM VENGEANCE.

I slammed the bottom of my boot into the wall next to his head as I yelled.

Nail:Please don't kill me I'm begging you!

I then crouched down to eye level with the scumbag as I did so I pulled out my gun out and put it to his forehead.

Arkham knight:Let the punishment match the crime.

I then pulled the trigger on the gun painted the with what was left of his brains.After doing so I heared glass shatter and made my way to see a little girl fighting thugs that were robbing a dust store and fortunately for me there was Roman torchwich.

Y/n(thoughts):I found Roman but no red hood or joker. Maybe if I give him a scare he'll lead me the clown.

I then threw a smoke pellet down at the ground and the area busted into smoke leaving it to were only I can see thanks to infrared.I jumped behind a goon snaping his neck,I then ran to another goon slitting his throat, then the last two I shot one in the the face and then ran to the last guy I kept punching him in the face over and over until I'm sure he wasn't getting up.

(A/n: think of the scene in injustice 2 were Batman knocked out the last guard at arkham asylum.)

When the smoke cleared there was a puddle of blood under me and my back to torchwick with me looking back at him.

Roman:Damn it's the knight.

He then began to run away and climb up a ladder, I gave chase and went up after him when I got up there he was jumping Inside a bullhead that was being piloted by the clown and some girl.In the bullhead with Roman was a man in a red helmet who I assumed to be the red hood.

The red hood shot at us with twin pistols identical to the ones I use as he shot I returned fire with my pistols we began hitting bullets in the air each one of mine colliding with each of his.when we both ran out of ammo in our pistols and had to reload,that's when Roman fired his cane at us but before it hit us someone used something to protect me and the girl. When the smoke moved it was revealed to be Glenda.

Arkham knight:Glenda.

Glenda:Its goodwitch to you.

Roman then yelled at the co pilot, the lady in red,  to come and help with Glenda the two then proceeded to battle with dust and what I assumed was there sembalances.

After they were done there was shards in the bullhead then began to take off but not before the red hood jumped out.

Arkham knight:You two go I'll handle this.

Glenda:Are you sure?

Arkham knight:yes.

Glenda: alright

Glenda then put the girl In a bubble and took off the red hood went to shoot at them but I shot past his head and got his attention.

Arkham knight:Your fights with me not them.

Red hood:Its your funeral.

He also had a voice changer.We then began to shot at each other with each shot either missing or colliding with another bullet.after running out of ammo in our pistols we both pulled out a knife and we rushed the other.
With every knife strike hitting the others knife I have enough of the knife fighting and went for a leg sweep, he jumped and kicked me face I reeled back went forward hit his knife with mine moving both out of the way. I then punched him across the mask sending him backwards.

Arkham knight:You're better then I thought you would be.

Red hood:And you've grown.

Arkham:What does that mean do you know me?

Red hood:I know you more then anyone.

Arkham knight: Explain!

Red hood:You can figure the rest out on your own, I know you can.

He then threw down a electric field smokebomb that messed with my helmets display. By the time the smoke cleared the red hood was gone and I was by myself on the roof as it began to rain.i then felt a buzzing in my pocket and took out my scroll to see a text from Glenda.

Glenda(text):come see ozpin.

Y/n(text):on my way.


I was waiting in ozpins office for him to show up so I grappled up to the ceiling and took my helmet off and waited on one of the massive gears he kept up there. I the saw ozpin and Glenda come out the elevator but they stopped right in front of ozpins desk.

Ozpin:You can come down.

I then jumped down behind him and Glenda making her jump a bit.

Y/n:your no fun oz.

Ozpin:I know.

Y/n:So what's up.

Ozpin:the red hood character you fought on the roof.

Y/n:What about him?

Ozpin: We have information on him.

Y/n:from who?


Y/n:Thought he was only good for drinking. What did he find out?

Ozpin:Are you sure you want hear this?

Y/n:What do you mean by that? C'mon oz you're acting weird. To be honest you're freaking me out.

Ozpin:Well according to qrow the identity of the red hood is.....Jason Todd.

I could hear my world shatter around me.

Y/n:Your kidding right oz?Ozpin,Tell me your kidding please!

Ozpin:I'm.....not but please calm down and think about this.

Y/n:I don't WANT to think about it.Jason was all I had left and now your telling me he's my enemy.That fucking clown is behind this.My life is just one big sick joke and that damn demon clown is the comedian!

Ozpin:y/n please calm down.

Y/n:sorry oz I just go.... think things out.

I put on my helmet and opened up ozpins window.

Arkham kinght:I'll be in touch if you need me just call.

After that I jumped out the window and made my way home.

(A/n:Jason's back but he's not your brother any more he's now the enemy. how will you cope with the idea of your brother joining the enemy and becoming your biggest threat. Find out next time in "A knight among the hunters"

A KNIGHT AMONG THE HUNTERS(male arkham knight reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now