part7(The Dance)

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I was awoken from my sleep by lucuis calling me on my scroll.

Y/n:morning Lucuis.

Lucuis:And good morning to you y/n but I didn't call to check up on you.

Y/n:Then what's up?

Lucuis:Check the news.

I turned on the television that was mounted on the wall facing my bed and switched it to the news.

News anchor:Today's story is about another masked vigilante in vale.The police department have said they have no connection ,to what the media is calling him, the batman.

Y/n:What is this lucuis?

Lucuis:Well I did some digging to revel that the 'batman' is originally from atlas.He seems to be on the same mission you are on.

Y/n:What do you mean by that?

Lucuis:He seems to want to stop crime without killing the criminals that he faces.

Y/n:I don't get it if you want to stop crime without killing then why not be a huntsman?

Lucuis:No clue but what is interesting is the fact that he's not new to this.


Lucuis:Well the first article of the Batman dates back twenty-five years ago.

Y/n:So why haven't I heared of him?

Lucuis:Well it seems the kingdom of atlas wanted to keep their bat problem secret.

Y/n:Is that what vale is doing for me?

Lucuis:From what I can see,no vale is letting you're existence be known.

Y/n:Good.I want the world to know about me.

Lucuis:And it seems this Batman does too.Might be the reason he came to vale.

After that I got another call but from ozpin this time.

Ozpin:Y/n I called because the dance for beacon is this Sunday and well the students had and overwhelming opinion that you should do a live performance at the dance.

Y/n:I knew they liked me but that's a bit much.

Ozpin:Well I could do only so much.

Y/n:Alright.Oh by the how are the girls from before doing?

Ozpin:A bit frustrated but all their physical injuries are healed.Two days until the party.Oh and bring a partner.and suit.

Y/n:Yeah I remember the dance from when I was there.

Ozpin:You ended the night by being doused in fruit punch.

Y/n:Coco pushed me!

Ozpin:For what reason?

Y/ spilled punch on her dress.

Ozpin:She always has been a one for fashions.

Y/n:You can say that again.

Ozpin:Well you should be getting ready you only have two days.

Y/n:I will.

I hung up the call with oz and went back to lucuis.

Y/n:Lucuis something came up and oz needs me in two days so I'm going to go.

Lucuis:You go do what you need to do.but one more thing about the Batman he goes by other names.

Y/n:Like what?

Lucuis:There's two. The dark knight and the world's greatest detective.

Y/n:Thanks for the information,Lucuis.

A KNIGHT AMONG THE HUNTERS(male arkham knight reader x rwby)Where stories live. Discover now