Auradon and stealing the wand

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What you need to know for this chapter

Y/F/C means your favourite candy

Also, my bff Jacy_Moo2996 helped a tiny bit with a few changes to what the actual film shows.

⚠️A bit of swearing⚠️

I was chewing on a Y/F/C until I heard E shout "Look." I looked and saw it was a trap. We all huddled together screaming. I waited for the impact but it never came. I looked outside but then looked back down. Everyone looked at me. "Don't tell anyone." I said. They all nodded their heads.

I must have fell asleep a teensie bit because I was being shaken half to death. "Y/N come on we're here." Evie told me. "Fine." I mumbled, still half asleep. I got out with the stick my dad gave me. I had to lean on that so that I didn't fall over.

Suddenly, I saw 3 people come from behind the instrument players or whatever you call them. One of them had brown hair, blue jacket and pink dress. 'Sleeping Beauty's daughter'. I thought. Then there was an older woman with a blue dress on and a pink bow 'fairy godmother'. I guessed. And the last person was a boy with brown hair, blue jacket and yellow pants. 'Queen Belle and King Adam's son. And damn is he cute'. I thought.

After a few seconds. The boy was introduced as prince Benjamin or as the girl calls him 'Bennyboo' ugh. Evie then went over and said, "You had me at prince. My mom's a queen so that makes me a princess." I smiled at her enthusiasm. The girl, Audrey, then replied with this, "The Evil Queen has no royal status here. And neither do you." That got my blood boiling. "Um. Sorry to intrude. But she does have a royal status here because her father actually is a king. So just shut your damn mouth would ya." I told her. She looked at me shocked. What. Nobody been an absolute sass towards the fucking prissy pink princess.

After a few minutes of the introduction and hand shaking. We were finally moving forward. We walked up to a statue of I presume Ben's dad. He clapped twice and his beast form showed up. Carlos screamed and Jumped into Y/N arms. She just dropped him. Not caring if anyone saw. "Carlos, it's ok. My dad wanted his statue to morphe from beast to man to show that anything is possible." Ben said. Carlos stood up and walked away from the statue and possibly, me. "Does he shed much?" I asked. I didn't really care I just asked to hear the cuties voice. "Yeah. Mom  won't let him on the couch." He replied. We both laughed a little. We got on with the tour. Before we were told where are dorms were, we met a boy with long hair named Doug. I could tell E liked him. Not my type but he was perfect for E. He was the son of one of the 7 dwarfs. I don't even know any of their names. Except for doc since it's the nickname for my dad. We were walking to our dorms until we were stopped by Doug who said we were going the wrong way. We then went up the other staircase and found our dorms. They had to add an extra bed to the dorm Evie and Mal were gonna share because non of the girls wanted to share with the daughter of Doctor Facilier, thinking she would make them think they are evil or something. It was in between Mal's and Evie's. My bag as-well as Mal's and Evie's were already on our beds. "This is so ama..." Evie started to say. "Gross." Mal finished. "I know right, I swear anymore windows and I'll burn like a vampire in the sun." I said while walking over to the window about my bed and closed the curtains. I so had to change them. Evie and Mal closed the curtains closest to their beds. "That is much better." Y/N and Mal said in sync.

(Time skip by yours truly)

We were at the boys dorm. Jay was stealing instead of getting with the program.

(If you have watched descendants 2 you will know who actually said something like that)

Carlos was playing what I think was called a video game. I zoned out until someone called my name. I saw that everyone was out of the room so I quickly ran out. We were running quietly towards the museum to steal the magic wand. I was to use the stick to knock out the guards that were in front of the door we needed to go through. I told the others to stay behind and just watch. I walked up to the guards acting scared. "Hello. Um. Could you help me. I was trying to find my dorm but then all of I sudden I saw a beast thing. I had to go the other way and it lead me hear. Could you help me get to safety so I don't at least die." I said faking tears. One of my friends must have howled because I heard a howl that would sound like a beast. Then the guards walked in with me behind. I quickly turned around and winked at my friends. I waited until the right time to knock the guards out and the man who was at the security cameras. "Sir, there was apparently a beast running after this girl. Should we let her stay here until it has gone since it could kill her. And we can't risk this knowing that the King hasn't transformed this month?" One of the guards from earlier said. Before the security person could answer. I banged my stick on the ground and knocked the three of them out. Then I remembered the wand. So I ran around the museum trying to find it. Eventually, I found it. I tried stealing it but was flown back. Then an alarm went off. I ran out while covering my ears. I quickly picked up my stick that I left at the entrance before running out the door and to the others. We all ran back to the school and back to our dorms. Jay and Carlos went back to their dorms while us girls went back to ours. "before we doze off, if we can, I wanted to tell you both something." I said, out of breath from running. "What, that the wand is covered by a siren and a force field. We already know Y/F/I." Mal told me. "Actually, no. Apparently King Adam turns into a beast once a month." I said. They nodded their heads before I turned the lights off an went into a world of darkness.

1157 words. That's it. And I'll see you all tomorrow. Cya

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