Cookie making

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Hopefully this chapter isn't as long as what the previous one was.

We were in the school's kitchen making the love spell cookies I had to give to Ben. They all were filled with the live spell so I didn't give him the wrong cookie and the spell not work. "We need one last ingredient and I never cry." Mal told everyone. "Why don't we just chop up some onions?" Carlos asked/suggested. "It says we need an emotional tear as in human sadness. "A tear is a tear. What's the difference?" Jay told/asked.

Wow, I'm using the forward slash
more often now. Continue.

"That's not true Jay. They both have antibodies and enzymes, but an emotional tear has more protein-based hormones than a reflex tear." Evie and Mal said in sync. "Wow, when did you two get so smart?" I asked. I was shocked with Mal mostly because she has never read a book in her life. Except for the spell book Malificent gave her. That's when the door came in and Lonnie, I think her name was, came in and told Mal she was looking all over for her. Apparently all the girls want her to do their hair. I'm a girl but I didn't want my hair done.

213 words already. Woow. Hope it isn't long.

"What are you guys making?" Lonnie asked. "Just some cookies." I replied. Then she dipped her fingers into the bowl and Licked them. A chorus of NO's and Wait, wait, wait's were heard. "What. I'm not gonna go for a double dip." She said. If only she knew. "Do you- feel anything?" Mal asked. "Yeah, like it's missing something?" Evie asked after. I was scared because we could of spelled someone we weren't meant to but then I remembered we didn't have the tear. I calmed down a bit. That's when I noticed the girl had put something in. Apparently they were called chocolate chips. "Wait. Didn't your parents ever make you guys chocolate chip cookies with a big glass of milk?" She asked us. I may have had a dad that cared about me and my sister loads but we never were able to have at least one piece of healthy food. We all looked at her upset. "Like, when your feeling a little down in dumps and they are fresh from the oven and they just put so much effort into it and..." She stopped when she saw how sad we were. "Why are you guys looking like that?" She asked. "It's different where were from." I told her. "I know but I thought even villains love their kids." She said. Then a tear escaped her eye. I quickly swiped it off of her cheek and chucked it into the bowl that had the mixture in. "Yeah, bummer but we gotta get these in the oven. So goodnight. Evil dreams." I told her while pushing her out the door. "Ok, boys. Cookie sheets. Evie, oven. Mal, mixture.

Including all of the author's notes, it would be 519 words. Anyway, I'll see you all tomorrow. Bye x

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