Chapter 13 - Loss

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It was hot summer midday and the sun beat down on Dumagan's tanned, wounded skin as he was tied on a vertical post not far from the Higaonon village. His forehead was glistening with sweat and his eyes were swollen from a fight. He could not fully open his eyes, but he noticed that Lisuga was infront of him.

"I dreamt that you were badly beaten last night but I never expected that it was real. Why did you have to come back here?" She was holding back her tears as she was untying him. "Who did this to you," she added.

"I did," a warrior lady from behind spoke. She smirked, "Technically, I ordered my men to whip him just like what my brother did to you."

"How dare you do this to him, Anantara!" Lisuga was enraged.

"He deserved it! He killed my brother so justice must be served."

"Do you call this justice when your brother did something unforgivable to me?"

"Yes, because you still remain unsullied. He knew that you were a goddess and it was greedy of him to do that, but his hands got burnt as he tried to touch you. Now, your friend murdered my brother for no cause."

Lisuga did not know what to say but one thing for sure, she felt at ease and glad.

"He must pay the consequences."

"Let us talk about this. I know how you feel because I once lost a brother."

"No, you will never understand. I love him so much that I wished he married me instead of you! So, if I have to kill you to get through your friend, then my pleasure."

Even if Lisuga was known to be skilled in sword fighting, she evaded every Anantara's attacks and tried to convince her to make amends until she received a gash on to her right arm. Lisuga immediately kicked Anantara's stomach and she made her fell to the ground.

Lisuga pointed her kampilan towards Anantara and said firmly, "I told you. I don't want to kill you. This is now your final warning." She turned and walked away. The next thing she knew, an arrow whistled by her ear, landing towards Anantara's hand that was holding a dagger.

She looked back at Dumagan but he was already lying on the ground. "No!" Her calescent anger exploded with illumination within the vicinity. Even Anantara was unable to escape its brightness and fainted.

She pressed her head to his chest, hoping she could hear a murmur of heartbeat but there was none. Anger and sorrow settled into her mind. Then a spray of rain touched her face. "Please wake up, Dumagan. There is still something that needs to be understood and it feels like I need you here with me. I don't really know why, but I am afraid – I am afraid that you are the reason that I have fallen. So, please don't go. Come back!"

From that moment, she felt a sense of déjà vu.

"Help! Help!" Datu Bangkaya came rushing towards Lisuga. His red scar on his left cheek already implied peril. "Lady Lisuga, we were under attack!" He was panting as he reported.

"How about Dumagan? Where is he?" Panick drew unto Lisuga's face.

"Datu Dumagan left behind, for me to escape. Now he is battling at the coastal port."

She immediately teleported to the market where Bangkaya mentioned the attack. Unfortunately, she was too late. She saw him lying on the ground with blood spreading around him when the rain drizzled unto his body.

Lisuga managed to control her thoughts and emotions. "I may not understand it right now, but I feel like I don't want to lose you again, and it is killing me right now to see you like this."

She wiped his face as it soaked with her tears. Then, she drew half smile and gave him a kiss. Without a fuss, her long, silver hair slowly darkened.

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