Chapter 19 - Promise

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In a faraway land where reality was taken place, a man named Dumagan came to Mount Madia-as to challenge Sidapa, in exchange of something very important to his life. He had succeeded to defeat Magwayen in Sulad and took back his life before he reached the mountain, which was known to be the abode of god of war and death.

Sidapa was a handsome and robust god, and no immortal had ever defeated him except for the chief god Kaptan. "Remember, if you managed to lay a sword on me even just a slight wound, then, your final test is complete."

However, Dumagan could not even give him a blow of his kampilan. He was always defenseless and Sidapa's strength was too strong for him that he always ended up on the ground. Wounds and bruises were all over his body, but he still did not want to surrender.

Sidapa was already concerned. "What made you not to give up?"

"Because I promised her to keep on fighting. Besides, my life is hers. She is the only woman that I will forever love."

Sidapa drew a disgusted smile. "You know that I am immortal, and you are just a mortal. How can you defeat me?"

"By this." Suddenly Dumagan ran towards him and jumped on top of Sidapa.

Sidapa smirked because his next move was obvious enough for him to prepare his advancement, but he did not know that it was a trap. Dumagan abruptly swung to Sidapa's right arm where he knew it was open for his attack. Then his sword gashed his neck, dripping a small amount of gold blood.

Sidapa was shocked. "How did you know that it's my weak spot."

"Someone reminded me where your blind spot is, but it was difficult to get pass it unless you got distracted."

"That brat, Lisuga." Sidapa laughed. "She does love you, and I respect that."

Dumagan just smiled. Then, he looked at the god who had two lightning bolts on his back, and his gray hair danced on the wind. His chest was bare but covered with tattoos. Only a violet cloth was wrapped around his waist. He did not have his own crown like his children, but he had gold cuffs on his wrists and torsos, so as his ankles. "Now will you agree to my terms, God Kaptan?" Dumagan added.

Kaptan grinned. "I do have other proposal for you."

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