Chapter 1

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*6/7/20 I made some minor grammatical corrections*

Eva Rozlyn Roberts, aka Roz, was sick of waiting for her friend to pick her up. She was supposed to be going to her first ever convention. Dressed as a Gryffindor witch, she started twirling her Newt Scamander replica wand over and over again. *Why on Earth am I still waiting for her?* Roz wondered. Roz put her wand up her sleeve, and she tried calling her friend for what felt like the 100th time that morning.

After the voicemail picked up again Roz decided to start watching The Dirt again. She had lost track of the times she had watched the movie and listened to the songs since the movie came out. As she watched the movie, she took out a time turner necklace and started twirling it in all of the different directions. *I wish I had never agreed to go with Katy. She always forgets about me or bails.*

About an hour into the movie Roz had already braided her black hair so that it hung over her left shoulder. Her hair was not just black it had deep red highlights all throughout. When she started twirling her time turner necklace again, a faint blue tendril of light started twisting around her fingers and slowly working its way up. Before she even noticed it, the light was covering her forearms. She immediately stopped playing with the time turner and started to panic. *Time turners are NOT even real! I cannot deal with this. I just turned 19 and I have to move soon. Fuck! What’s gonna happen to Hope?* The blue light had engulfed her and no matter how hard she tried; she couldn't get the time turner out of her hands. The last thought she had before she blacked out was *I hope she’s safe and that I’m at least gonna go somewhere fun.....*


The guys had just finished agreeing on a name. Mötley Crüe was finally a reality. They kept drinking together and didn't pay any attention to the strange blue light emanating from under the table. After a few hours Tommy exclaimed, "Dudes, the only thing that could make this better would be for a chick to be here!"

After a pull from his beer Vince laughed and asked, "Where exactly do you expect a chick to come from?"

Mick growled sarcastically, "In a ball of light ya dumbass."

Tommy's eyes lit up with teenage enthusiasm. "Ya really think so Mick?"

Nikki just laughed and said, "He was joking dork."

By then the light had waned and then, all of a sudden, it flashed back out from under the table. It engulfed the Crüe and Vince screamed. Once the light was gone Mick was shocked. "Seriously, I was joking about the light. What the fuck's going on under the table?"

Tommy ducked his head under the table and immediately popped his head back up. "Dudes, I can't believe it.  I think I drank too much! There's a fuckin chick under the table!"

Nikki cackled "T-bone quit fuckin around! Is there even anything other than trash under there?"

Tommy glared and pouted "I'm not joking. Just look for yourself dude!"

Mick grunted in pain as he got down on the floor and saw the strangest thing. There was girl maybe in her older teens. Her sudden appearance wasn't the only strange thing. She had unnatural black and red hair braided. She was also in what looked to be a school uniform. She had a red plaid skirt, knee high socks, odd combat like boots, a black blouse, a dark grey cardigan with a lion crest on it, and oddest of all a cloak. Mick decided that they needed to at least get her out from under the table. Maybe wake her if possible. "Nikki stop your cackling and help me move her to the couch."

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