Chapter 12

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Oh, my goodness. I am so sorry about how long it took for me to be able to write this. You, my darlings are all amazing. I'm at 1055 reads on WattPad and 395 on AO3.

In an attempt to combat the difficulties my ADHD presents; I have begun to bring a lot more organization to my writing.

I hope you all enjoy this.


Roz woke slowly, feeling a solid warmth at her back, and the comfortable weight of Tommy's arm across her waist. Being in his arms made her feel warm and safe. As she reveled in the feeling of security, Roz thought back to what Mick had asked her yesterday.

Mick was right, she shouldn't let the fear of changing the future completely rule her life. When major life events came up, she would just have to tread carefully. For now, she could just focus on being happy. The question was, who would make her happier?

Her feelings for Nikki were strong, but the way that he acted towards her was all over the place. Any interaction with Nikki was almost like riding a rollercoaster while wearing a blindfold. Tommy, however, was constant in his affections and he felt like home to Roz.

Roz thought back to last night right after their set. She could have sworn that, before Nikki interrupted, Tommy had been about to kiss her, and she wishes that he had. Being in Tommy's arms while trying to figure out her feelings was starting to be almost too much for Roz.

She thought it would be best to get up and take a shower before the guys started to wake up and hog the bathroom. Roz pried Tommy's arm off of her, and once she was out of his arms, he pulled her pillow to his chest. As she got ready for her shower, she couldn't stop smiling at how cute Tommy looked cuddling the pillow.

On her way to the bathroom, Roz saw that it was actually past noon already. She showered quickly and got dressed in the only clothes she had that were only hers, her plaid skirt and black blouse. Roz went to the kitchen and heated up some of the leftover gravy and a couple of the biscuits. As she ate, Mick and Vince came into the kitchen.

Roz pointed towards the fridge with her fork and said, "Leftovers are still in the fridge if you're hungry."

Mick shrugged and said, "Sorry Glinda, I already ate something before coming here."

Vince gasped and jokingly asked, "Why on earth would you want to eat anything else? If there are any leftovers of Roz's cooking, you eat THAT and only that."

Mick smirked, "And if I always ate the leftovers too, Tommy the human garbage disposal would die of starvation."

Tommy, who just came into the kitchen, squawked indignantly, "I am not a garbage disposal!"

Roz was trying not to laugh but failed miserably as she said, "Tommy, honey, you do eat quite a lot. It's lucky that I only know how to cook for an army, or the rest of us would starve."

Tommy pouted as he heated up some of the leftovers, leaving just enough for one more person. As he sat down, he said, "Rozzy, I was going to tell you that you look pretty this morning, but since we're being mean I'm not gonna."

Roz giggled and said, "Well if you had said that to me, then I would have said thank you."

"By the way drummer, it's almost 3 pm so it's not morning anymore." Mick said as he left the kitchen.

Just after Mick left, Nikki walked into the kitchen, grabbed a cold biscuit, and left without a word.

"Well Nikki seems lively this afternoon," Vince said sarcastically.

Roz rolled her eyes and just kept eating. Once the three of them were done eating, Vince and Tommy went to go get ready while Roz cleaned up after everyone. Once she was done, Roz decided to braid her hair into two braids.

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