Chapter 10

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A/N: I feel like I'm on a roll. It's only been 5 days and I have another chapter ready. I even have chapter 11 already started. I think bombarding my brain with the 80's is working as far as inspiration goes. I wrote the second half of this while watching 'The Dirt' and 'Ready Player One'.

By the way, when the word biscuit is used, I am referring to buttermilk biscuits.


Roz quickly grew antsy just sitting there. After a while, she gathered up a small section of Tommy's hair. For the next thirty minutes, Roz braided small sections of Tommy's hair. She had almost half of his hair in small braids before she decided to stop. Roz carefully lifted Tommy's arm off of her legs. Then she picked his head up off her lap, grabbed her pillow and put it under his head. Tommy started to cuddle the pillow as if he were still in Roz's lap.

Still in yesterday's clothes, Roz went into the bathroom to check her hair. Her braids were still holding pretty well so she decided to just leave them in for now. When Roz got to the kitchen, it was still clean, thankfully. Since she still had a good long morning ahead of herself, she decided that she was going to make breakfast for everyone.

Roz dug into the freezer and found exactly what she was looking for: two pounds of ground pork sausage. Next, she made sure that she had everything else that she needed would need: flour, black pepper, salt, heavy whipping cream, buttermilk, butter, baking powder, and baking soda. Roz decided to start her biscuit dough while the pork thawed out.

First Roz turned the oven on so that it could preheat. Then, she cut the butter into small cubes and then put it back into the fridge while she measured out the dry ingredients. She sieved the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together. Roz then grabbed the butter back out of the fridge and started to rub the butter into the flour mixture. She worked quickly to get a crumbly mixture, so that the butter didn't melt. She got the buttermilk out and poured it into the bowl. Then Roz mixed it until the dough had only just came together.

She then spread a layer of flour on the counter so that the dough didn't stick. She took kneaded the dough by folding it over six times. Roz then pressed it until it was round and 1 inch thick. She then got to work cutting the biscuits out and placing them on a baking sheet. Roz worked the scrap dough back together and cut more out. She continued until she was out of dough. Roz put the biscuits into the oven and set the timer.

Roz started to hum to herself as she started to make the gravy. She browned the sausage and then saw that there wasn't enough fat in the bottom of the pan. She put more butter into the pan. Once it was melted, Roz measured out enough flour into the pan to form a roux. When the roux reached the right consistency, she got the heavy whipping cream and started to whisk it in slowly. Next, she put in salt and pepper.

Once she had the flavor balanced right, she checked on the biscuits; they were almost done. She continued to stir the gravy with the whisk until the timer went off. She turned the oven off and turned the temperature for the gravy to low. Roz heard a whistle as she bent over to take the biscuits out. She turned around, still holding the baking sheet, and saw Tommy laughing in the doorway.

She cocked her head to the side and stuck her tongue out at him, "What, pray tell, is soooo funny?"

Tommy laughed even more and said, "It looks like a coke bomb went off in here."

Roz set the biscuits on a cooling rack and laughed. "Seriously T, what does it look like I'm doing in here?"

Tommy stepped further into the kitchen, "Well, now that I know it's not coke..."

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