Chapter 11

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This chapter took a little longer than I had hoped for, but here we are. I'm at almost 600 reads on WattPad, and I'm at 300 reads on AO3. Thank you so much to all of you. ❤


The guys packed the instruments into the van before they started to get most of their stage clothes on. Nikki and Tommy were in the bathroom teasing their hair while they talked about the show. Roz was in the bedroom with Vince and Mick. Mick had already done his hair and was talking to Roz as Vince helped her with her hair.

"So, Glinda, which one are you gonna pick?" asked Mick.

Roz's face scrunched up in confusion, "Mick, are you gonna just call me Glinda from now on?"

Mick gave Roz a pointed look, "Yes I am. Now answer the question."

Roz contemplated the question. She didn't want to answer, so she feigned ignorance, "Pick which one of what?"

Vince rolled his eyes and scoffed in disbelief, "Don't play dumb Roz. It doesn't suit you at all."

Roz blushed and looked down at her hands. She started running her fingertips along the newly formed scar on her left ring finger. She had thought then that she would have chosen Nikki, hands down. Then she had been stuck between here in 1981 and 2020. Roz loved that both Tommy and Nikki had helped her through that hell. Then Tommy started to try to cheer her up every day. Tommy, also, was willing to help her with some of the chores, if he was asked to. As for Nikki, he had been making Roz frustrated in multiple ways. Half of the time, she wasn't sure whether she wanted to kiss Nikki or if she wanted to punch him.

Roz looked back up at Mick and Vince and then looked down again before she finally replied, "Guys I have no idea what to do. There are so many variables to consider."

"Hmm, do you mean normal relationship variables? Or do you mean future stuff?" Mick asked.

Roz laughed before she responded, "Yes!"

Vince looked at her as if she were crazy, "Roz, that was an 'either or' question; not a 'yes or no' question"

Roz giggled, "Vince, me saying 'yes' means that both types of issues apply. Also, Mick?"

Mick said, "Yeah Glinda?"

Roz rolled her eyes at the nickname, "The knowledge of the future makes me hesitant to start any relationship. What if me being in a relationship, especially with Tommy or Nikki, fucks the future up beyond repair? Or has the future already altered drastically by me just being here? Then, who do I want to be with more? I have no idea who want more. I've been trying to ignore those thoughts." Roz drew in a deep breath and then she went to continue rambling.

Vince laughed and interrupted her, "Too bad we don't have one of them in here to stop you from rambling."

Roz glared at Vince. She was just about to start telling him off, but Mick interrupted her, "Rozlyn, Glinda, you should just live your life as is. Don't you think that if you were going to fuck up badly enough, you would know somehow?"

Roz smiled at Mick and said, "You're right Mick. If there were any major time paradoxes, I would probably have been wiped from existence."

Mick shrugged his shoulders, and Vince said, "Geeze, morbid much? Anyways, your hair is almost done. It's a good thing you had put gel in your hair before braiding it yesterday. All I really did was pin your hair back on the sides. I'll just spray some hairspray in it and then all three of us are done."

Roz closed her eyes and mouth while Vince practically attacked her hair with the spray. When she was done, she thanked Vince and Mick before they went to make sure Tommy and Nikki were done. When Roz went to knock on the bathroom door, they heard the end of an argument.

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