Chapter 9

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Hello darlings! I'm sorry about the long wait. I had writer's block and was trying to get used to the fact that I work on 3rd shift now. Earlier this week, I randomly got the urge to write an Axl Rose one-shot (Panic! At The Airport). As I was writing that my block went away. Well here you are


Roz had spent the next few weeks drinking with the boys and cleaning up after them. She felt as if she was just drifting through her days on autopilot. She couldn't stop thinking about Hope, or about how she'd most likely never get back to 2020. Also, she wasn't truly being the effervescent girl that had come from the future anymore. If anything, she seemed almost apathetic.

Her sullen mood was making Tommy and Nikki almost worried. They weren't worried about the amount of alcohol that she was drinking. The thing that Tommy and Nikki didn't like was that Roz seemed to be drinking to just become numb. They wanted her to have fun with them. As time went by, Roz seemed less and less likely to snap out of it.

Nikki and Tommy were determined to get Roz to act like she had when she first arrived. Tommy kept trying to get her to have fun with her drinking by trying to make her laugh. He was always making the corniest jokes, and kept trying to get her to play drinking games. Tommy also was always letting Roz wear his clothes and he tried to help her clean if he remembered to.

Nikki's approach was to try and provoke a reaction out of her by any means necessary. He would do and say things that ranged anywhere from sweet and caring to lewd and rude. He would kiss her cheek and say good morning. Then by the evening he would be leering at her and commenting on the fact that she was still wearing Tommy's clothes.

What the guys didn't realize was that Roz kept being woken up by nightmares about being stuck between 1981 and 2020. She hadn't slept properly in at least 2 weeks. Roz looked at the clock and it was 6:47 am, which makes about 4 and a half hours of sleep for her. Roz didn't want to move but she had to pee very badly. She grumbled as she stumbled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. *How much longer can I get by with little to no sleep? You'd think that with the amount I'm drinking I'd be passed the fuck out. But, no, I get woken in a panic half of the time and can't get back to sleep.*

Once she was in the bathroom, she shut the door and cringed when she got a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her hair was in a disheveled braid with greasy strands falling out all over. She also had dark bags under her eyes. Trying to ignore the image of herself in the mirror, Roz quickly turned away from it. After she was done with the toilet, she decided to take her first shower in days.

She started the shower, and then started to undo her braid. Once Roz had unwound her braid, she ran her fingers through her hair to get some of the knots out. Roz made sure that the water was the right temperature before she took off the shorts and shirt of Tommy's that she had been wearing. She took off her underwear and stepped under the stream of hot water.

As she went through the motions of her shower, she thought about her latest dream. In this dream it was as if she was floating above herself. She watched as blurry people flitted around her as she laid, unconscious, in a bed. She couldn't tell exactly what the people were doing. Then the dream had changed and she was standing in the middle of her bedroom in 2020. She could see someone packing everything away. She couldn't tell who the person was until they turned around. Roz had woken up just as she was faced with the tear streaked visage of her mother.

Roz got out of the shower, and as she was toweling off, she had a realization. She hadn't grabbed any clothes to change into, and did not want to leave the bathroom quite yet. To avoid leaving the bathroom right away, Roz decided to do her hair first. Once she had any remaining knots out of her hair, she started to braid her hair into pigtails. As she braided her hair, she thought about the fact that Mötley Crüe was going to have their first show tomorrow night. The boys still haven't played a full set list in one rehearsal. Roz knew that the first set, opening for Y&T, should prove interesting.

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