♡ chapter 5 ♡

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After Marinette and Adrien greeted each other, Marinette muttered something under her breath, and Adrien was in mood to make friends.

As of course Marinette was only stating facts, and her opinions out loud, and she definitely doesn't want someone to disturb her.

She held onto her laptop, and pretending to appear so busy, anyone would feel bad bothering her.

Adrien is practicing his scene with the director, reading from a paper, trying to memorize them, too.

And it was a shock, hearing screams in the set.

Marinette didn't see it coming, the sudden sensation made her shrink, with a heart beating fast, the surprise and fear was clear as the sun.

"The heck, kim, put me down."

She yelled with a grimace and frightened eyes looking at her chair, which she was flying above.
Attracting attention from all workers in the set.

"Chill, I wanted to say hi."
He snickered, seeing the squirming brunette in his arms, an arm under her knees and the other behind her back.

"Not funny put me down right now, it's no way saying hi." She was afraid, kim is reckless, and she is afraid of falling onto the hard ground.

Nino was watching the scene unfold in front of him, and was having fun, laughing, until he saw tears pricking in her eyes.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm a strong man, won't drop you."
He says looking at her, smirking, but she is not convinced.

"Okay you said hi, put me down, please. "She pleaded.

"Kim put her down, no more fun." Nino helped him putting her down and god help him, she pinched both of them.

Adrien was dumbfounded, walking up to them, and seeing the crying Marinette against nino's chest.

Can you blame her? She could have had a heart attack.

"What happened here? Is she okay?" Adrien the concern in his eyes, approached them.

"Hey Marinette I'm sorry I didn't mean to." Kim apologized, "it's just you're so tiny, I can't resist." He continued, smiling, ruffling her hair, as she quickly slapped his hands away, glaring.

"I'm good, get over this, and don't do this ever again, it's getting annoying, honestly. "She stuttered out, pushing nino away, slightly embarrassed, that Adrien had witness this.

Kim ignored the confused Adrien, and got a bag, from the ground, Marinette didn't see earlier.

"Take this, a small gift." He winks.

"Not those medicines again right?" She eyed the bag cautiously.

"What do you think?"he smiled mischievously.

"I'm tired." Marinette muttered looking into the bag, she put it down, and looked up.
Nino was chatting with kim, work related, so Marinette didn't care to listen.
"I have work as all of you, you know your ways."she returns to her laptop.

Adrien was feeling stupid standing there, he felt out of place, everyone ignored him, like they all knew, but none cared to explain, he wanted to go back to his work, but he couldn't get himself to.
Nino pulled kim away, and Marinette still can feel Adrien there still.

"Are you okay?" Marinette broke the silence,  looking into the screen still, she is an awkward social person, with new people, specially.
She actually didn't expect Adrien to answer her, well, why would he?

"Kim is a friend, and he would do this every time he sees me, I'm sorry to startle you, and disturbing you." She said quietly, the guilt was unbearable, beyond the embarrassment.

"No no it's okay, well, if you don't need anything I'll be doing my rehearse." He said with an awkward smile, before going.

Marinette felt like crying again, what an amazing impression, definitely he now promising himself to not cross ways again with her or even talking to her ever again.

"Hey there, mari." The familiar voice cut her thoughts.

"Hey, you're finally here, I was starting to worry." Marinette greeted back, smiling genuinely, lila was her friend since college, and she like to spend time together whenever possible.

"It's the traffic, I really was on leaving my car and walking here instead." She waved dismissively, "but I practiced my script, that you sent me," she continued, although her attention was drawn to something else.

"No, put that light there,"

"Oh come on guys, it's 2 in the afternoon, we need to hurry up,"

"Who are late, recommend them to stay home, we don't have time."

Nino was pissed two actors were late, and the break just ended, and they should be filming before the sunset.
As it was scene of four minutes in the start.
"Hey, nino, lila is here." Marinette called and sent lila over to him.

As he turned to see lila approaching.


"You are getting better," the doctor said, amusement pouring out of his mouth.

"But I recommend you not going back to work, until farther notice, you still need some rest, and a bit by bit you'll get back to your old life." He continued nevertheless.

"Well, I make no promises." He laughs back, looking away playfully.

"Oh, my, my, Luke this your wellbeing, you should be more careful." The doctor said back, hint of seriousness, mixed with playfulness.

"I just can't wait, really, I've been home for a year now." Luka said, with a warm smile, genuinely expressing his thoughts, as his physician, writing down some other products he'll need.

"Well, I hope you get perfectly healthy soon." he said Handing luka the piece of paper, "you will use those once every two days, one in the morning, the other in the evening, and this if you felt any pain, but hopefully you won't." Smiling and guiding luke through the paper.

"Thank you, I appreciate your efforts, see you next week." luka shoke hands with the doctor, before heading for the door.

"See you next week."


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