♡ chapter 9 ♡

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"Talk to me," Adrien sang standing in his balcony, hoping to get his mysterious friend's attention.

As usual he heard muffled laughter, or is she making fun of him?

"Well, I, myself, know i don't have ill intentions, I just thought this thing is funny, and you are the one started talking not me." He huffed.

'What, are you kidding me?'

"Ah, please my friend don't be mad I was just joking that day, really. " he smiled.

'Humm, l believe you.....I guess.'

"Whatever, what are you doing?" He asked, resting his elbows on the railing, looking down at the darkness, it's dawn by now and he couldn't sleep, due to the late filming.

'I just woke up,' he heard, with a muffled yawn.

"But, isn't it too early for you?" He asked puzzled.

'I have a messy sleep schedule '

"Oh, I had to work late, but couldn't sleep," he sighed.

'I sometimes play some video clips and hear it until falling asleep, you can try.'

"Well, why not, what do I play?" He scrolled through his YouTube app, waiting for a suggestion.

'Something relaxing, a song, a documentary report, or something educational. '

"Is hearing you sing, could be considered?" He asked playfully, smiling, trying to get a reaction.

'Funny, I'm not that good at singing.'

"I didn't say you were, please one song." He childishly told her, now excited to hear someone singing for him.

"Please, sing for me." Now with his puppy eyes, although she can't see him, he played the role effectively.

Silenced him a sweet voice, not so loud, but audible for him only.

Sounds of piano and cello filled his ears blissfully, he await for the lyrics, but none came.

"I thought you were going to sing." He said disappointment laced in his voice, he looked at her balcony, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, but failed as he only saw the dark room and the swaying curtains on the door.

'Sorry, but I'm not that great singer.'
The answer came, followed by a hiss of the chilly wind of the dawn, he can make the sun, rising slowly.

"I think, I would catch an hour of sleep before they call me for work again." He yawned, but looking forward for an answer, that never came.


Adrien stirred in his bed, scratching his arms up high before lowering them to rub his eyes, he yawned, opening his eyes slowly catching the light almost immediately.

He extended his arm to reach for his phone, sitting it beside him as he got up, and back in the board of the bed, unloading his phone, he read the screen.

9:48 A.M .

He ran his fingers through his hair, calling nino.

"Hey, dude." Nino said through the other end.

"Hi, nino, what are we doing today?" Adrien asked, standing up from the bed.

"There isn't much, we'll do it in the afternoon , it's still early, but you should come by the lunchtime." Adrien proceeded that information well.

He got off the phone and went to do his morning routine, he settled for a breakfast in the room, and went in the balcony,
He grimaced at the light hitting his face.

He opened his eyes slowly, while extending his arms forward on the railing, he looked at the balcony beside his, hoping to see his friend again, but the doors were closed.

she must be at her work. He thought.

He heard his phone ringing, and as he got it, he found a call from his father, he called back quickly and lifted the phone to his ear.


Marinette on the other hand, was preparing herself, changing into the clean set lila had chosen for her, it was a simple gray sweatpants and a pink t-shirt with short sleeves.

She wheeled to the door, opening it, slowly making her way out of the room, and locking it in the process, she went to the end of the hallway where the elevator was located.

She waited patiently for the elevator to come, not minding any noise around her.
She stiffed, her skin paled and her heart dropped when she felt someone behind her pushing her forward into the the elevator with the doors opened.

"Oh, good morning, good to see you again." She heard the cheerful voice, gripping the armrests hard.

"Good morning, Adrien." She turned her head as she recognized the voice, smiling slightly, relaxing, trying not to show her panic for a moment there.

"How was your night?" He pressed the bottom for the ground floor, where the restaurant is.


She held her black suitcase tightly, pulling it out the taxi's trunk onto the ground, looking through her sunglasses at the hotel as she stands.

She had arrived.

She took off into the lobby, getting her room number and had a worker took her luggage up to her room.
After making sure her luggage was safe with him, she turned to receptionist to take the directions to the food area.

"Been so long, kubdel."

She heard the familiar voice and smiled denying the worker on the reception, and turned around.

"Whatever you think, kim." She replied as he began guiding her to the restaurant.

"You've grown taller I see." He ran his eyes over her form head to toe, rising his eyebrows.

"Quiet the observer, you are." She rolled her eyes, with a soft smile, she reached into her purse, narrowed eyes, as she fished her phone out.

She swept her fingers across the screen unlocking the phone, and she scrolled through it.

Kim nevertheless guided her into through the food area, as he found a glimpse of Marinette sitting with Adrien at a table near the windows.

Their teeth are shown, as they talk, the smile never leaving Marinette's lips.

He nudged Alex, pointing at the couple as she rose, she smiled at Marinette's smile, and noticed the gleam in their eyes.

Content, excitement, carefree.

Her feet carried her slowly to the table, she extended her finger at Marinette and poked her shoulder, as if it's the most interesting thing to poke, right now.

Marinette connected her eyes with the new approaching friend.

"Alex, glad to see you again."


So it's been long I know, I've been writing bits every now and then, but not too sure, tell what you think in a comment.

Sorry if there was any mistakes:)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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