♡ chapter 7 ♡

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Seven in the next morning was the start of work and yells from nino, and the burning sun.

They were filming the last days  of summer, the weather was unpredictable, to them, hot at once the other it's not.

"CUT!" nino said, he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Break 15 minutes." He sighed.

Night came quick, as usual all wanted to freshen up before dinner, although Adrien noticed Marinette's absence at dinner.

What's better then asking nino?

"She eating in her room, why'd you ask?" Nino said looking wary at Adrien, crossed arms against his chest, he didn't know about a new friendship was being made, not Marinette would make one that quickly.

"Okay, can I sit by you? I want to talk."

"Sure, man."

"Why is she eating alone?"

"It's.."he paused, "she is tired she will eat and sleep next." He declared .

"So how do you know Marinette?" Adrien asked as soon as they sat.

"We went to high school together, I said that in a lot in interviews, didn't you watch any?"

"So you know kim since that then." More like a statement, ignorant of nino's words.

"I noticed that Marinette is always quiet, why?"

Nino looked at him, didn't know what to say, he himself can't help ask himself the same question, Marinette used to be bubbly, her own way, at least, but she'd been quiet all of sudden.

"Why do you care?"


Marinette hid her computer screen as her mother appeared through the trap door.

"What are doing Marinette?" Her mother's voice full of concern, glancing between her daughter and the darkened screen.

"Nothing, just laying around a little," Marinette replied stiffly.

It was the same replay every time, as much as Sabein wanted to give Marinette privacy, she wanted to know what was really going on, she is really worried about her daughter, Marinette would look troubled, staring at nothing in particular, and suddenly she would find her dancing around smiling, and she would always find her looking and typing on the computer.

She closed the door behind her, walking to the lounge chaise, softly patting the spot beside her, as she took a seat.

Marinette gave up, sat down, sighing as her mother was pressing her, or she thought.

"You can tell me anything Marinette, and I really am worried, consider spilling the tea for me, if you have a boyfriend and want it secret I can keep secrets you know." Her mother assured her, rubbing her back smoothly.

"No such a thing, moman. I'm just typing for a school project, don't worry?" She was unsure if her mother would buy it, but she wasn't ready yet, knowing her mother, she would always have a high expectations and that was something Marinette hated.

"Okay let me know if you need help, I'll be right here. "Sabein sighed, completely not buying her daughter's words.

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