Chapter 1

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Jack Miller was reading the Sunday newspaper when he got a call from his company that he was promoted the head of the new project. This was a surprising turn of events.

Just last Friday Adrian was appointed head of latest project.He had somehow gotten the plans Jack made, modified them and presented them to the board of directors at the company before Jack. The directors agreed right away and made him the head of program. Jack could do nothing  about it. He dejectedly told Alice of his misfortune as he eat his dinner.And now suddenly he was  incharge of the building the new mall.

The news had already reported about Adrian's death many times. It was a brutal attack by a wild beast. Adrian's whole face was unrecognizable. His purse helped in identifying him. Everyone was warned about entering the forest. Hunters were still looking for the animal.
He told Alice about the new appointment at the company.
She  said that she was very much pleased about this new development. He could not see her grin but he knew she was smiling.I told her ,I am glad about the post,  but I don't want it in these circumstances. She said,  " Don't fret about it love. You deserved it. And Adrian had it coming to him for a long time. Karma is a bitch".
It was events like this that made Jack think that his wife was not a human. Like the time when Jack wanted to buy this house but the previous owners did not want to sell him at a suitable price. Alice went to talk to them and next day they called them again. They were ready to sell the house at a huge loss. Or the time when the airport lost his luggage at the terminal .Alice talked to the manager once and he himself found his luggage. Or the time on their honeymoon when the hotel was jam packed. There bookings had expired. Alice told the receptionist to find them another room and she gave them the presidential suite with all hotel services absolutely free.The poor girl did not accept any money from them even when he insisted. She just looked terrified and shook her head no.

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