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Our scene sets with a figure in a cloak his body shakes in pace of the rickety cart. "We're almost there." The Driver says to the figure, The figure gave him a nod and goes back to reading a book, it seems like a magic tome. "So adventuring eh? I used to be an adventurer before I took an arrow to the knee." The cart driver says to the hooded figure. The only response he receives is a nod. The cart comes to a stop after a while

"Well we've arrived." The driver "The port city of Farwil, the trip will cost you 5 sliver." The figure was gone and a small bag of sliver was left on the seat. Ah yes Farwil one of the numerous frontier cities located on the borders of the crimson empire and the outlands, As the figure walked through the town, he took in the sights and sounds. Merchants and trader bartering, the children playing, an all round lively town. As he approached the guild hall he was greeted as he entered.

"Welcome to the Farwil guild." A girl in uniform said. A small gold badge signalling that she was a member of the guild. The figure nods and approaches the counter. A counter attendant greets him. "Welcome to the Farwil guild, are you looking for a quest or submitting one?" The attendant said with a smile. "I'm here to turn this in." The figure took a scroll out from his satchel and places it on the desk. "Oh you're the messenger from the Lymhurst guild, I'll prepare your reward." The attendant runs off with the message her braid hopping along with her. The figure walked towards the guild board looking through the amount of mediocre quest he comes upon a interesting looking, "KILL QUEST: Goblins. REWARD 20 sliver. Mage wanted." "Mage wanted, perhaps I should do this quest." He thought to himself, he picked up the quest from the board and walks back towards the counter, the attendant returned panting "S-sorry here is your reward." She place a small bag of sliver on the desk, she peeks over the counter and sees the quest request. "Oh do you want to do a quest." The Mage nods. "Ah, may I see your rank" The guild girl asked. The mage reveals his arm around the wrist a small band a piece of sliver metal. "Ah sliver rank. This quest might be a little to easy for you then, maybe some bandits or some-" "This quest is fine." He interjected. 

"The girl nods and signs the quest. "Your partner is by the bar." She signaled over to the bar where we see a girl with Long flowing hair, garbed in a leather chest piece as well as shorts and leather boots ,with 2 daggers by her waist. "Ah a member of the thief's guild." The mage approaches. "Pleasure to meet you, I am Falin, Archmage of the imperial academy. I will be aiding you in this quest." Falin introduced himself, the girl just rolled her eyes. "2 things, One I do not need you getting in my way the guild forced me to get a partner for this because its 'Hard for new adventurers', two my name is luna, and I will not be answering any other questions, is that clear." Falin nodded. "Good lets go now." Luna leaves her sit and downs her drink.

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