The Black Hand (2)

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"Open Fire!" One of the guards exclaimed, the bolts gets fired heading towards Falin and Luna. "Vis Ager" A purple dome forms around the pair. "Thanks for the save." Luna said looking back at Falin. "No problem." Falin answered. "What are we gonna do about them." Falin asked. "Leave that to me, Martial art-Shadow step." Luna took one step forward and vanished. The two Bandit guards look confused. "Where did she-" before he could continue his sentence Luna's daggers were at his neck. "Right behind you." A quick slash to the throat killed the man and she vanished into the shadows once again. The dome around Falin starts to fade. The bandit takes another shot the bolt hitting the dome once again.

"Fuck." He mumbled to himself as he sees an purple bolt of energy hit his face. Falin walks forward to inspect the damage. "That's gotta hurt." Luna said looking at the man with his face disintegrated with arcane magic. "Nice shot by the way, I-i mean like its good shot for a idiot like you." She quickly added and walked deeper into the base. Falin laughed a bit and followed behind her. As they traveled deeper and fought more guards they soon arrived outside a room. With a single mage guarding it.

"Easy,I'll just." Luna was about to step before being stopped by falin. "Hold it that mage seems off." Falin said, "What do you mean." Luna asked, Falin pointed towards his hand. "He is not using a staff or a tome." Falin realises what the mage was and he quickly takes out chalk and crystals from his bag. "What the hell is going on!" Luna exclaimed. 

"Mortis Plaga" The figures spoke a black mist forms around his hand and travels towards the pair. "Ni Ish ah lok" Falin chanted a blue barrier forms. "He is an arch mage, more specifically an archmage of the Caerleon Imperial Academy." The black most floats around the barrier. "Tch, you adventurers really get on my nerve." The figure exclaimed, "Old gods heed my call, horrors hear me, I sentence myself to death, eliminate my enemies." His arm turns into a tentacle, as this happens the mist dissipates. "Vis ager." A purple dome forms around them. Falin can be seen panting. "Shit he used to much of his mana." Luna said to herself. "Rouge art-Quick slash." Luna blinked across the room, reaching the Mage, slashing at his back. "Rouge art-Quick Finish." Both of her daggers glowed a bright red as she stabbed it deep into his back. The mage turned and laughed. "Was that all?" He mocked her and used his tentacle and grabbed Luna by the neck. "*Cough* Falin *Cough* run." Luna tried to call out to Falin, but he just stood and watched. "Not again." Falin watched in horror. 

"Run Falin!" Falin heard a voice, his memories from the past called out. "Leave me." The same voice called out.

Luna was still held up, the tentacle slowing crushing her windpipe. "Animus Spiculum." Two purple spikes forms around the head of the Mage going into his mind, falin collapses due to mana exhaustion. "Gah!" The mage exclaimed releasing Luna. "Shadow magic." The figure was confused. "Blood strike." Luna castes. she quickly place her daggers at the neck of the mage. "Tch, Seems like you got me." The Mage said the tentacle was gone, back to its original form. "Spill it." Luna asked her dagger now grazing his neck. "The Bank Teller, won't be happy with this." The mage said. "Where is the stone!" Luna demanded. "Seems like your time is up. Ad Mortum" The mages body turns to dust, Luna quickly ran over to Falin. "Please be okay, Please be okay." She repeated to herself as she fumbled with her bag to get a mana potion.

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