Generic Quest 1

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The adventurers ran deeper into the cave, when they arrived, they saw an elven women tied up with chains. Her hands shackled, her armor badly damaged in front of her was a hobgoblin. A bigger variant of the goblin, The height of a hob goblin was twice of a human male and twice as fat as well. Towards the left of the hobgoblin were a few more bodies, probably the party members of the elf. Luna brandished her daggers and was about to rush to the goblins, before being stopped by Falin.

"Don't just run in there, unless you want to end up like her." Falin said pointing towards the elf. "We can't just leave her like that I'm going in." Luna ran in ignoring falin's advice. "Damn it." Falin cursed. Luna ran into the room, taking out a small ball from her pouch and tossing it onto the ground, smoke starts to fill the room. "Grahhh." The hobgoblin cried out confused by the smoke one by one the smaller goblins fall. Once the dust and smoke settled most of the goblins lie dead all except the hobgoblin. Luna rushed towards the injured elf removing the restraints. The hobgoblin snuck up behind her and raised its fist, as the hobgoblin swung down Luna was stunned with fear she raised her arms in an attempt to protect herself.

"Watch out!" Falin shouted as he ran in front of luna "Magica clypeus" The hobgoblin hands were stopped mid air by a magic shield the outline of it can be seen. "incantare Ferrum." One of luna's dagger pair began to glow. "Finish him off." Falin shouted still concentrating on forming the shield but soon cracks started to form and finally the shield broke, The hand of the hobgoblin connected with falin tossing him across the room. His body hits the wall. "Falin!" Luna called seeing her partner tossed across the room. She quickly rushed behind the hobgoblin and stabbed it in the neck the enchanted blade cutting through the thick skin of the beast. Falin looked onward seeing luna fight the hobgoblin, quickly take out a red vial and drinking its contents. His wound slightly heals, but he is sure something was broken.

Soon the hobgoblin fell a loud thud was hear, Luna was panting she place her dagger back in her sheath, freeing the elf, and helping up Falin. They walked out of the cave and walked down the road and returned to town.

When they arrived at town they walked into the guild and head towards the counter. "Welcome back, how may I help you." The guild attendant said with a smile. "We're here to turn in our quest, also we rescued this elf." Luna said while holding up her teammate, he had already seek treatment at the local herbalist and received some healing. "Alright I shall contact the higher-ups about the elf, your reward is already on the desk."The guild attendant walked away from the quest. "Thank you for saving me heroes, I shall repay whenever I can." The elf disappeared with that statement. Falin walked towards the bar and took a sit. "Why did you save me back there." Luna asked. "I was being such a bitch to you. why?" She took a seat next to him. "Its because you're my partner, we're a team or at least suppose to be one." Falin taking out his tome to read. "Either ways the job is done. I wish you the best of luck while adventuring." he called the bartender over and ordered a drink. "Ah..thank you." Luna walked off feeling awkward from the current situation.

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