The Underbelly

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"So then why are you here." The elf asked as they were walking towards the market. "Weapons? Armor? Potions? Or perhaps." He glanced over at the pair. "An aphrodisiac." The elf said"No, no, no we're not like that." Falin said. "Y-yeah like I would ever date a idiot like him." The both of them were extremely flustered. "I see sir and Madam, anyways we have arrived welcome to the underbelly. This is where we shall part I hope you find what you are looking for." The elf vanished.

"Now that we're here, we can get the information we are looking for." Falin said walking through the stores. "What is the purpose of this quest again." Luna asked. "Some noble in the capital recently had one of his convoys attacked in the black market, We are to find the syndicate that attacked it and retrieve the lost item." Falin replied. The both of them were outside a store with an eye on its sign board." 

The both of them entered the store, it had weapons and armors displayed on the shelves. "This just seem like a normal blacksmith store." Falin spoke. "Looks can be deceiving." Luna replied. She walked towards the counter.

"Welcome, How can Ol'Ironhammer help ye today." a dwarf spoke from behind the counter. "I have the finest wares in the land as well as the latest weapon straight from the imperial gunnery school. "No, we're not looking for that." Luna said. "See no evil." She added. "Trust no one." The dwarf replied. "What information do you need." He asked. "A convoy recently sent by Duke Eddington was lost here, what group was the one who attacked it." Luna asked placing a few sliver pieces on the counter, "Ah yes a few weeks back a few of the guys from the Black Hand gang working under the. Well I can't seem to remember." The dwarf stopped, luna placed a few more sliver coins. "Ah I remember now. The Orzhov syndicate, If you find them you might get what you are looking for." The dwarf said. "Ah but don't tell em I sent you." Luna nodded and she and falin exited the shop.

Moving through the underbelly avoiding the rats and the merchants, Luna and falin soon arrived outside an alley way. "They even got alleyways here huh?" Falin spoke. "Duh, of course it's a whole city down here." Luna replied. "Anyways, what do we do when we see the black hand?" Falin asked. "Fireball." Luna said, "You do know I am arcane mage right?" Falin retorted. "Thats why I got a scroll, you just do your thing, like protection magic or something." Falin nods in response.

They walked into the alley seeing a locked door, "Alright, step back." Luna pulled out a scroll from her satchel unfurling it, the piece of paper glows a bright orange, "Incendium iacta" Luna called out, a glowing red and orange ball of flame comes out of the scroll, hitting the door and blowing it off its hinges and some bits of the wall. Two of the guards inside saw what had happened and alerted the others in the guild.

"Intruders at the front." One of them called out pulling out his crossbow and aiming it at Luna.

"The girl is the mage." The other one called out as he also aims his crossbow.

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