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The Red forest, originally home to the redwood elves, now home to the goblins of Clan Qurash. And the current location our brave adventurers are heading towards. We see them travelling on a dirtpath cutting through the forest.

"The quest giver says the camp is set up around here, we should take a short break before we continue." Falin said as he sat down by a tree, taking out his water pouch to take a sip. Luna paid no mind to him and continued deeper into the forest, Falin immediately stood up and followed her. "Ah you finally caught up, could you be any slower." Luna said looking forwards. "As you know I'm a mage, if I'm exhausted I can't cast spells." Falin retorted, Luna ignored what he said and continued forward "I knew you would slow me down." Luna said out loud. "What a bitch." Falin thought to himself. They soon arrive at the outskirts of the camp.

"Two scouts, one with a spear and one with a bow. Alright I'll cast a spell and then we can go" Falin said as he focused his mind, Luna just rushed out catching the eyes of the goblin. "Graghh." The one with the spear pointed towards the girl that was running towards them,  the archer aimed its crude weapon at her as he pulled back on the bowstring she was no longer there. "Grah?" He looked around confused, a glint of light shined and a spurt of blood was seen. "Sharpened steel." Luna whispered to herself. Sharpened steel a low level martial skill allowing the user to increase the sharpness of their blades. The goblin was convulsing on the ground its hands around its neck trying to stop blood from coming out, its partner had already turn tail and ran. Goblins are cowardly creatures.

"Arcanus...sagitta" A purple bolt hits the goblin from afar. Falin walks out of the bushes and towards luna. "Was that so hard." She said with a condescending voice. Falin shrugged in response, the cave catching his eye. A goblins den he has seen many before but something felt odd to him. This one was almost empty on the outside and the lack of markings on the walls by goblin leaders, solidified that feeling. His companion on the other hand walked in without a care in the world. 

Goblins were seen as nothing more then a chore by adventurers, they were weak creatures, about the height of a human child and the intelligence of one as well, however there are a few rare ones that appears from time to time. Goblin warlords, hobgoblins and shaman, goblins that live long enough to do something with their lives or well gain a few more brain cells then the rest of their brethren. 

Our heroes journey deeper into the cave the stench of the goblins getting stronger, a foul odor filled the air. "We must be near the main den." Falin said towards his partner who seems to be ignoring him, her hands pinching her nose, to not breath in the wretched smell.

"HELP ME PLEASE!" A womans voice called out, catching the attention of the adventurers they picked up their paced and ran towards the voice.

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