Generic Backstory

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Two years ago, we see a younger Luna being awarded by the thieves guild "And our highest honor goes to this young thief Luna Nightfrey." The head of the thief guilds passes Luna a pair of daggers. The pride of this foundation the daggers of Kars. "Thank you grand master, I will not fail you." Luna said with pride as she received the daggers. While everyone else was celebrating the graduation of fellow thieves. Luna was by herself in the corner of the room drinking by herself. No one went up to her to congratulate her, no how are you doing. Just silence, Luna exited the room and walked out into the hall.

Luna was walking down the hall, when she saw someone waving. "Hey Dedric." The person who was waving called out. "Oh" She mumbled to herself. The guy walked passed her and over to his friend. She returned to her room, placed down the daggers that she was awarded with. Looked into the mirror.

And started crying.

1 year ago, The imperial mage academy located in the city nearer to the imperial capital Aldor, the city Caerleon, After the Avalonion Invasion , the dead bodies of the avalonians left, Magical essence that most mages study in the imperial Mage city. "Arcanus Magica" Most call the the purest form of magic. Unlike elemental Magic that requires the powers of the 4 elemental lords. Arcane magic harnesses the raw power of the concept an Arcana is needed to use arcane magic most of the time many young mages die trying to harness an Arcana. But for now we move onto our main character. "Arcanus Sagitta" Purple bolts of magic fly across the battlefield we see a young falin casting the spells. His opponent a female mage about 2 years older than him. "Tempus Fugit" the person seems to be travelling faster when she was at a further distance she began an incantation "Avalonians of old guide my staff, with arcane and life infused into one I cast thee, Arcanus Crepitus." A Large ball of purple energy formed at the tip of her staff and it launches towards Falin, "Vis Ager." A purple dome forms around him the explosion caused by the large ball dissipates. "Stop." A voice called out it was an older man he walked out towards two mages. "Well done Falin, Alia, both of you aced your final examination." The both of them started cheering. "And with it I grant both of you the title of Archmage." The old man said as he waved is staff above them. "Thank Grand mage." The two students bowed.

Two days later at the guild, an announcement was made all quest are to be done in a party of two groups and more, due to recent complications on the roads leading in and out of the frontier towns. Once again we see falin browsing the guildboards. As he reached towards a quest another hand reach towards it as well. "Ah sorry." Both of them said at the same time. "Luna?" Falin said looking at the rouge. "Oh falin." She said surprised "It's nice to see you again, thinking back from that day and what you said to me, I-I am really sorry for how I acted, could you forgive me." Luna apologised and ask for forgiveness. "I accept." Falin said "Well since we picked the same quest, you want to party up?" Luna seemed confused. "I mean if you don't mind being with me again." She replied. "Why would I be asking you if I minded." Falin said with a smile.

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