The city of thieves

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"I'm sorry sir but your debt is due." A man in a suit said while playing with some coins. "P-please give me a few more days." An older man pleaded. "The Orzhova Syndicate may take your deal in consideration however. This Debt was from your brother and when he couldn't pay it, it got transferred to you." The man in the suit stood up from his chair and walked over to the older gentleman. "I'm sorry but your time is up. Thank you for your patronage at the bank of Orzhov."  The old man quickly got of from his seat and tried to run out the door before a man wielding a mace crushed him with it. The man in the suit walked over to the dead corpse of the old man. He placed a gold coin on the man, and a green mist starts to form around his body, the old man rises from the ground. His eyes now pale and white, his body in shambles due to the mace. "Since you couldn't pay the debt in life, you shall pay it in death. You there guard get the Debtors here, and sent this thrall to the mines." The Bank teller walked back to his desk and pressed a buzzer. "Send in the next one." A woman this time walked into the room and sat on the other side of the desk.

"Welcome to the Bank of Orzhov, how can I help you today." The Teller said with a smile.

Ah yes, just another day in Fur, the city of thieves, founded by thieves and run by them, the city itself is located near the edge of the empire on the deserts of Khemri originally just a small farming town now its one of the empires largest cities the reason why the empire itself haven't bothered with the city is because its a city that produces most of the sliver and gold the empire uses, through its underground system of black markets and trade routes the city itself is autonomous only having to fill the empires coffers once in a while, most of the city are just territories of gangs part of larger syndicates, the biggest being the Orzhova Syndicate running the banks and the churches. However there are other syndicates as well, such as the Alorian Syndicate and the Defias Brotherhood. The Alorian Syndicate mostly made of the non-human races mostly elves and dwarfs runs the cities Black market and the underground trade routes throughout the empire. And finally the Defias brotherhood a bunch of the cities legitimate market owners as well the the producers of weapons and armory of the city. The three syndicates relatively work by themselves but they do work with each other from time to time. However this doesn't mean their peaceful, turf wars occasionally take place on the city streets as they Vie for control of the city.

"So anyway that's about it." A man driving the stage coach said as he looked towards the back Falin and luna sitting together. "I see, thank you for the information." Falin said as he continued reading his tome. While Luna was resting her head on the side of the cart.

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