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"Well then travelers we've arrived, Fur The City Of Thieves. Since the fee has already been payed I'll be on my way." Falin and Luna waved him goodbye as his cart disappeared in the distance. "Alright you should stick to me for the time being. This City is very...dangerous to put it lightly." Luna said as she walked into the city Falin following behind. The party walked into the market square where numerous merchant and traders were shouting and advertising their products.

"We have the finest wares in the land."

"Potion, poisons! We have it all."

"5 gold for plate armour finest deal in all the land."

Our adventurers walked through the market finding an inn on the side of the road entering it, It was relatively quiet a few of the patrons were passed out drunk. A man at counter cleaning a glass. Falin walked up to him about to ask for some information before being stopped by Luna. "What the hell do you think you're doing, idiot." Luna whispered shouted. "I was going to get information." Falin said he seemed confused. "I-Idiot this is the main city, syndicate spies are all over the place. Let me handle the talking." Luna walked up to the bartender,"How can I help you." He said placing the glass he was cleaning aside "The black raven sees all." The bartender eyes opened. "The white dove brings peace, the south side of town is where you can find its nest." The bartender picked up a new glass and starts to clean it. "Alright let's go." Luna immediately left the inn and started to head south Falin followed. "What was that." he asked confused. "Thieves cant, its a language we all learn while we are still in the guild." Luna replied, "That is ver interesting, would you mind teaching me one day." Falin asked, "I don't mind, but its gonna cost ya." Luna said. "Ah I-" Before Falin could say anything else he was stopped by Luna." There were two men standing in the alley behind them was an old man wearing a tattered robe.

"You there halt." One of the man pointed towards Luna and Falin. "This is our side of town scrub." The man said. "Yeah, beat it." The other one replied. Both of them had the logo of the Defias brotherhood. Luna walked up to the both of them "Perhaps a small fee and we will be allowed to past." Luna placed a few sliver pieces in their palms. "Ah I see, you may pass." The two guards step aside.

"Ah welcome the two of you, The sun is pretty hot right now isn't it." The old man said. "What no its-" Luna stopped him again. "Let me do the talking." She said to Falin. "Its cooler underground." Luna replied. "Shall we go then." The old man said as he opened the sewer hatch. The three of them descended into the sewers. After a bit of walking they arrived at a sort of shanty town, there were old rickety wooden shops set up some leading into rooms, others just a cloth mat on the ground.

"Welcome the Fur blackmarket I shall be your guide." A elf walked up to the both of them. "If you are ready, we can enter the black market."

A sliver adventurer's daily lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora