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- The Pomegranate Tree -

Linton, North Dakota.

A remote field with nothing for miles, sits as the blades of faded grass blow in the winter breeze. The clouds cover the sun as the evening nearly dawns. Then, the peace is distrubed by a rumble. A loud, vicious growl from the earth that grows louder and louder. The clouds gather quicker and explode with rain and thunder. There in the centre of the field, the ground breaks, opening wide like a mouth about to swallow the world whole. The rumble is broken by a shreik of metal, thundering from the gap as it heads it's way up from the great depth and erupts into the outside world away from the dirt it once resided in.
It flies into the sky, a mile up before falling back down just as terifying as a comet hitting the planet.
But it fell, and hits- nose diving across the field, lighting the soil from it's sleepy state and scattering it everywhere. When it finally rested- a clear picture is made.
A large chest, as a big as a man made of strongest wood and metal. Flame scorch it's sides and bottom, it's buckles that keep it shut practically melted. The earth shuddering noises finally die and the silence decends on the bare field once more;The rain stops.
A bird flies over and everything is normal to him.

Moments later..
Crowley stands on the road. Gazing at the destroyed field with a worried expression. Fixing his tie, he unwlling walks into the dirt in his expensive shoes, caking them in dirt almost instantaneously.

"Bloody Hell" He grumbled to himself, feeling the squelching under foot. He has however, bigger fish to fry so he trudges on. He reached the chest, smoke and sizzle still coming from it. "Please, be something good"

He knelt beside it, seeing the inscriptions on the side;His hand, used to flame trails across the markings. Happy with what he found, he places his hand on the chest, taking it with him. They vanish as the open earth closes again, leaving nothing but the turned soil and disturbed crows behind.


Dean and Sam exit the Impala, the field is swarmed by police.

"Something tells me this was no comet" Sam said with a raised eyebrow.

"No rest for the wicked" Dean button's his suit jacket, feeling the cold wind wip through his shirt. Just as they were about to walk out to investigate the sound of wings made them hesitate.

"Hello" Castiel appeared at Sam's side, looking at the field curiously.

"Bobby fill you in?" Sam asked him.

"Yes, but I can already tell this is something for our particular interest" Castiel replied, with a single glance at them before all three walk out.

"Can I help you? " A police officer stops them. In sync all three take out their FBI badges.

"I'm Agent Stanley, these are my collegues " He points to Sam. "Simmons" and then to Castiel. "Thayer, we're with the FBI"

"FBI? -What's so intersting about some dirt?" The Police Officer laughed.

"Plenty" Castiel answered, his face in it's natural deadpan expression.

"We're just having a look, get a few questions answered and we'll be out of your hair" Sam explained, the police officer gives Castiel a once over before turning.

"Well, got a call from a witness that lives about a mile down the road, saying they saw something fall down from the sky and land here" The Police Officer explained. "Crazy part is we actually got three more calls minutes later, we send officers out and nothing's here" He turned and looked at them over his shoulder. "Apparently there was a freak storm at the same time, rain - thunder the whole thing but it is November"

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