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- Awaken Beautiful Maiden -

Castiel walked over to the chest, kneeling he placed his hands on it. Closing his eyes, the chest began to tremble. Slowly bursts of light seeped through the cracks of the wood and metal. The chest began to move viciously, the light grew brighter and brighter. The lid began to slowly open as Castiel stood to his feet once again, hands trained to the chest. Then suddenly the lid burst open- it stopped trembling but the light filled every nook and  cranny of the house. A ear splitting noise rung out, making the lights explode and windows smash in. Sam, Dean and Bobby fell to their knees and Crowley hid his face. Castiel stared as the light raised from the chest and his blue eyes illuminated. The floorboards shook like a earthquake, everything began to fall around them, books and empty bottles flying and landing on the ground. Sam, Dean and Bobby covered their ears, feeling that any second their heads might explode. Castiel's eyes glued to her, as the light floated toward the table and he guided it to Stephanie. Then, like a feather it slowly fell and landed and kissed Stephanie's mouth falling inside and filling the body.

Everything fell quiet.

"Whatever it is, owes me money for repairs" Bobby said breathlessly, removing his hands from his bleeding ears. Castiel stood at the table and watched as Stephanie breathed steadily.

"I'm surprised our eyes never exploded" Dean said, wiping the glass off his clothes.

"She was containing her power, if she let go- the whole of North Dakota would've been blind" Castiel explained.

"Lovely, well is Frankenstein's bride there?" Dean quipped. Sam looked to the broken windows, the cold air was bustling.

"Do you feel cold?" He asked.They all stared at each other.

"I feel like I'm at Miami Beach" Crowley eyes widened.

"Look" Bobby pointed to a dead plant pot in the corner. They all looked and watched as it's stem grew strong and filled with colour once again.
They took a few steps closer to her.

"Persephone?" Sam said gently. Dean walked around and stood at the other side of her. "Hello?"

Then almost as quiet as summer breeze, a mutter from her lips. Her eyebrows frowned.
"Usually when someone goes in a vessel they're up and running like a baby wildebeest- what's her deal?" Dean asked Castiel.

"She must be weak?" Was all he could think off.

"Call this weak!" Bobby stated looking around his house.

Another whimper came from her lips.
"Persephone?-are you with us?" Sam said, unsure what to do.

"Oh bloody hell" Crowley grumbled and transported himself to the head of the table. He snapped his fingers loudly at her face. "Hello! Excuse me- mind joining the land of the living- while we're Young please"

"Enough" Castiel pushed him away. "She's exhausted"

"I'm sure sleeping for a hundred odd years wasn't enough for her then?" Crowley said straightening his suit.
Dean watched as the two continued to bicker, Bobby and Sam putting in a word here and there. He placed his hands on the table not far from her arm. A few seconds passed when something tickled his hand, he looked down and found a small thin vine, slowly crawling from where her hand sat to his.
"Persephone?" He whispered gently, leaning his face closer to her.

"Who- who's ever shouting, please tell them to stop- I have a terrible headache" Her voice was softer than milk and honey and filled Dean's head like river- imprinting in his memory.

"Hey cool it, she's awake" Dean scalded then all. They all quickly shut there traps, turning to the table. Gathering they all stood around and watched as her eyes fluttered the long blonde eyelashes and finally opened. A pair of green eyes clung to the ceiling, fuzzily picking up the picture as she found every fragment in the air, till they finally found someone beside her. First she found eyes, hazel. Then she turned her head and found someone else. Another set of eyes, green like her own. She'd seen them somewhere before, both of them.

She Was Stolen - A Supernatural Story حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن