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- Zeus Has SuperPowers -

"So before he get's here, what else do we know about this-Perri-phone" Dean said taking a seat in the living room. Bobby went out to get food and more beer.

"Persephone" Sam corrected.

"Right, that's what I said" Dean smiled amusedly.

"She's the Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld- she was also the equivalent of the Roman Goddess of wine. Appartently she was the Godess of Fertility and and Soil" Sam read aloud from his computer screen.

"Quite the resume" Dean raised an eyebrow. "She got any super-powers?. Zeus he could throw lighting bolts right? and Poseidon, he controled the ocean so- what's her deal"

"Well, as we know she can make things grow. People use to pray for her good harvests, she also used to help the souls in the Underworld-"

"What is your theory exactly of how Persephone came into our world?" Castiel interupted as he came into the room. Dean looked to Sam.

"Um, well one of the witnesses said they saw a great balls of fire, Jerry Lee Lewis style, so what if that was her coming out and then crashed on the field?" Dean said, standing from his chair.

"That's the basis of what we know, yes but why?, why now? of all times? why not before? " Castiel puzzled.

"You really are invested in this one Cas, what's going on with you?" Dean questioned him, crossing his arms across his chest.

"You truly look lost old friend" A voice said behind them.

Castiel sighed annoyedly and turned.


"Hello princess" He smiled. "Moose, Squrriel" He nodded to the boys. "You called?"

"Yes, well- I'm sure your well aware why" Dean curved an eyebrow.

"Might have something to do with this" Crowley waved his hand. A chest appeared in front of him, nearly the length of the room.

"What the hell is that?" Sam took a few steps toward it.

"I wouldn't moose" Crowley raised a hand. Sam stopped in his tracks.

"This is what fell on earth isn't it?" Castiel asked.

"Yes, well fell is not really the world, sprouted, perhaps" Crowley smiled annoyingly. "Boys and I were doing some spring cleaning and this, was in the deepest darkest part of the attic- thing is I haven't the foggiest why. But I'm gonna bet my money that you do" He pointed to Castiel.

"Excuse me?" Cas scoffed and stepped closer to the chest.

"Listen Giraffe I don't have time for our usually flrting game, so why not you read the menu and pick your dinner" Crowley said, pointing to the markings on the chest. Castiel clenched his jaw, holding back his agriavation. He stepped toward the chest and the same warm feeling filled him again.

"The feeling, it's returned" He said looking to Sam. He turned back to the chest and looked at the inscriptions. "This is not a chest" He said.

"Well I didn't think it was filled with One Eye'd Willie's treasure" Crowley shook his head. "Save us the suspense"

"It's a nest, protecting someone" Castiel answered, ignoring Crowley's comment.

"Persephone?" Sam asked. Castiel shrugged.

"Persephone, you think Persephone is in this box and none of you thought to mention that to me?" Crowley said in a aggriavated, with a hint of worry- tone.

She Was Stolen - A Supernatural Story जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें