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- Breakfast At Tiffany's -

Burnsville, Minneapolis
A dead beat motel..

Castiel actually, fell asleep. Sitting on the arm chair, with a spring digging in his side;watching terrible movies on the fuzzy tv wouldn't have helped him to stay awake. Perhaps he blamed it on his age, which people wouldn't disagree with if they actually knew his age.

An hour passed by, the Winchester's having a double bed each and an Angel passed out on a lazy boy, the world seemed peaceful.

Persephone woke up. Her eyes squinted in the darkness as the only light came from the tv. She frowned pushing herself up from an uncomfortable (used to be) white couch. Glancing at her surroundings she saw the sleeping brothers. In their respected beds with snores that almost sounded like they were competing against each other. But she found herself focusing on a small snorer not too far from her. Castiel was slumped in the off grey lazy boy, his trench coat bunching up at the shoulders. His chin touching his chest as it raised and fell with peaceful breaths. She yawned, stretching out her back. She went on her feet, feeling strength in her legs-more strong than she felt previous. Persephone walked across the room, stopping in front of Cass to admire him for a second.
"Rather handsome vessel" She smiled softly. Turning back to her surrounding she headed straight to the bathroom.

She wanted to see her vessel, look at the mirror;Wondering what everyone saw when they talked to her. She reached up and pulled a string light, the fan came on rather ugly sounding, a moth filled light flickered for a second before staying on. Scrunching her nose at it, she looked to the mirror above the sink.
She was little, always a preference when she was in a vessel. Her hands and feet particularly small, suiting her body. She had thick calves and thighs, that had a tan, her skin was scattered in soft freckles. She finally saw her face. Her nose and chin were rather more pointed than what she liked, eyebrows thick and curved, very expression-filled. Her lips were pretty, curving and pink. She had rather big eyes, quite strikingly green- blonde eyelashes blinked over them. Over all she was quite happy.

"What the heck am I wearing?" She looked down and saw the massive clothes. The t shirt touched her knees and shorts were barely holding on to her waist. Shaking her head and she came up with an idea.

"Hey!" Dean's voice woke them up, as both young Winchester and Angel got up from the sleepy state. "Look!" He pointed to the couch.

"Where'd she go?" Sam said rubbing his face.

"Why would she leave?" Castiel frowned, fixing his coat as he stood.

"You were on watch, you should know that" Dean stated looking at Cass, Irritable. He took a few strides over to him. "Since when do you sleep?"

"I don't know, I was comfortable, I just- I'm sorry" Castiel looked down.

"Sorry for what?" The sound of wings grab their attention, turning they found her. She was dressed in dark jeans, black boots and a plain white t shirt. She smiled softly at them as she held a go-bag in one hand and a cup holder in the other.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going somewhere?" Cass said upset, he stood tall, looking at her through his black eyelashes. She smiled and raised up the cupholder.

"I got you all breakfast" She looked at Sam who was sitting up in bed. He smirked at her. "Do you like bacon?, I wasn't sure- so I just got the basics" She asked Dean who was squinting at her a few steps away.

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